  • 學位論文


Dynamic Healthcare Booking Management under Customer Heterogeneity

指導教授 : 吳政鴻




For performance improvement, a dynamic booking model is proposed to optimize the customer portfolio for healthcare services. In this model, the uncertainties of demand, cancellation, no-show and service time are taken into consideration, Different from the other industries, Optimization in healthcare service have to take medical quality, fairness and social moralities into account. Hence, we construct a nonlinear utility function which comprise of revenue, overtime cost and the potential loss on service quality. For estimating the utility for customer portfolios, Monte-Carlo simulation is adapted. With the nonlinear function, the objective is to maximize the expected utility. To manifest the robustness of our model, we insert our model into a real case from Healthcare Management Center (HMC) of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) as a numerical study. After solving out the optimal booking policy, we construct a simulation environment to make comparison with two alternative policies: action-unclassified dynamic booking policy (UDP) and constant upper-limit booking policy (CON). In conclusion, our dynamic booking model is more robust and superior to the two alternative policies under various parameter environment.


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