  • 學位論文


Effects of Chemical and Physical Factors on Egg Hatching and Larval Survival of Dendromonocotyle torosa (Monogenea: Monocotylidae)

指導教授 : 施秀惠


細睪枝單杯吸蟲為寄生於雪花鴨嘴燕魟背部之單殖吸蟲,雖罕有直接導致寄主死亡之病例,但若嚴重感染則易因細菌或病毒等其他病原之續發性感染,終而造成魟魚死亡,目前已成為全球展示魟魚之水族館及海洋公園的重大困擾。   本研究利用乾燥法(1 分鐘至15 分鐘)、次氯酸鈉溶液(5 ppm 至20 ppm)以及過氧化氫溶液(25 ppm 至500 ppm)處理此吸蟲蟲卵及鈎毛蚴,觀察並統計分析對孵化率及幼蟲存活率之影響。實驗結果發現:蟲卵乾燥15 分鐘後則完全無法孵化,浸泡於10 ppm 次氯酸鈉溶液24 小時以及200 ppm 過氧化氫溶液60 分鐘,亦可達到完全抑制孵化之效果。此外,鈎毛蚴之致死條件為10 ppm 次氯酸鈉浸泡225 秒或500 ppm 過氧化氫溶液作用310 秒。   本研究採用之乾燥、次氯酸鈉溶液以及過氧化氫溶液等三種處理方法皆可達到完全抑制蟲卵孵化效應,據此建議消毒水族養殖設備與相關器材時,可依現場情況選擇下列任一處理方式:(1)完全乾燥15 分鐘,(2)浸泡於10 ppm 次氯酸鈉溶液24 小時,(3)浸泡於200 ppm 過氧化氫溶液60 分鐘,以達到完全抑制細睪枝單杯吸蟲卵孵化之目的。


Dendromonocotyle torosa, a monogenean which parasitizes on the dorsal skin of the spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari specifically. It can’t cause the death of the host directly, but seriously parasitized, the ray is readily attacked by other pathogen, such as bacteria or virus, leading to the death of individuals by secondary infections, and afflicts aquaria and ocean parks nationwide.   In this study, several treatments were tested to eliminate the eggs hatched and larvae survived of D. torosa, including desiccation, sodium hypochlorite solution and hydrogen peroxide solution. We found that 15 min of desiccation could completely inhibit the hatching of eggs, while 10 ppm of sodium hypochlorite took 24 hr and 200 ppm of hydrogen peroxide solution took 60 min to completely block the hatching of the eggs. Otherwise, 10 ppm of sodium hypochlorite solution and 500 ppm of hydrogen peroxide solution could also eliminate oncomiracidium of D. torosa completely after 225 s and 310 s of treatment, respectively.   These three methods (desiccation, sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide) in this study can completely inhibit eggs hatching. Consequently, we propose that 15 min of desiccation of fish-rearing equipment or immersion of used equipment into 10 ppm sodium hypochlorite solution for 15 min, and immersion of used tanks into 200 ppm of hydrogen peroxide solution for 60 min could completely kill all the eggs and oncomiracidiums of D. torosa.


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