  • 學位論文


A Conjunctive Use Scheme of Groundwater Recharge: A Case Study of Kaoping Artificial Lakes in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 譚義績


台灣地區由於地形、降雨時空分布不均等原因,長久以來一直有水資源供需問題,尤其南台灣地區夏季經常面臨缺水甚至乾旱之情形;颱風侵襲時雖然會帶來豐沛的雨量但由於山區水土保持等問題大雨沖刷大量泥沙造成原水濁度過高而導致有水卻無法使用之問題。有鑑於此,本研究模擬於屏東土庫農場地區建立人工湖增加對地下水之補注,並對可取水量進行評估,期於地表水短缺時提供一項水源供給方案。 首先本研究收集研究區域之現地抽水試驗之資料,包含水力傳導係數、儲水係數等水文地質參數以及地下水水位、水利署核發之抽水量等資料輸入MODFOLW模式中,建立研究區域之數值模式;經過率定與驗證之後進行參數的敏感度分析。 模式建立完成後進行數種案例模擬,包含不同湖庫情境與不同地點抽水,模擬結果採用希爾法進行安全出水量分析,並綜合比較各種案例之差別選定最佳之結果作為建議之方案;本研究另對湖水深度與地下水受到湖庫之補注量進行探討,採用相同湖庫情境同一抽水地點之案例改變其湖水深度進行模擬,並分析湖水深度與補注量之關係。 最後本研究建立研究區域之地下水管理指標水位,分為上限指標與下限指標,呈現出合理研究區域地下水位管理範圍,作為管理之參考期望能有效利用當地之地下水資源。


The southern part of Taiwan caused by heavy rains is facing a serious problem of high water turbidity. Because the uneven spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and the growth of water resources use in southern Taiwan, water shortage in southern Taiwan region is growing serious. To solve the problem of water shortage in southern Taiwan, a conjunctive scheme to make some artificial lakes and reservoirs will be applied to establish the amount of groundwater recharge. In this study, a numerical model MODFLOW is adopted to simulate different scenarios in this area. First, it required pumping test to obtain the hydrogeological parameters of the study area to apply MODFLOW numerical scheme to calibrate, validate and analyze sensitivity of simulation of the four artificial lakes with pumping two different regions. Hill method is selected to evaluate the safe yields under different scenarios in the study area.The relationship between water depth and groundwater recharge is studied in this thesis. Last, a Groundwater Management Index is proposed to be a management reference.


MODFLOW Groundwater Safe yield Hill Method GMI


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