  • 學位論文


A Study on the Core Competence and Growth Trajectory of Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


藥品市場近五年來成長大幅趨緩,預期將會持續到2014年,主要原因包括大型藥物的專利相繼到期、各國紛紛緊縮醫療與健保支出、全球經濟衰退導致病患負擔能力下降以及新藥上市相關法規日趨嚴格,而此一嚴峻情勢正考驗著跨國藥廠經營策略的良窳。儘管大型跨國藥廠採取不同程度的多角化經營,跨足相關醫療照護的商機,但為避免降低獲利率,跨國藥廠多選擇專注於創新藥物領域來追求成長,在此前提下,降低成本以提高資源生產力、研發上市高價值特殊用藥或生物製劑以及進入新興市場,成為帶動企業成長的主要動源。 對在台的跨國藥廠分公司而言,其業務發展任務不僅需要遵循其全球策略,更需考量當地市場的特殊需求,以台灣藥品市場來說,高度開發所帶來的健保與法規等特質,都會對跨國藥廠在台的業務推廣造成一定程度的影響,跨國藥廠的分公司如何在槓桿運用全球核心技術能力之餘,掌握其在個別治療領域的差異競爭優勢,制定以核心能力為基礎的多角化策略,攸關其在地的經營成敗結果。 準此動機,本研究針對在台前十大跨國藥廠的成長軌跡,探討其核心能力的延伸邏輯與績效間之關係。本研究歸納產生以下結論: 一、跨國藥廠營運績效與其核心技術領域數目呈正向相關,成長卓越的跨國藥廠通常藉由上市新藥、強化行銷能力甚至與其他藥廠策略結盟,共同推廣行銷新藥來積極經營其核心技術領域。 二、跨國藥廠營運績效與其在核心通路與核心客戶的表現呈正向相關,成長卓越的跨國藥廠通常能維持或創造通路與客戶優勢,相對的經營不善的藥廠常失去原有的優勢。 三、跨國藥廠在非核心技術領域上市新藥,通常會導致較高的風險,這風險包括了緩慢的市場導入期與不可預測的投資報酬,因此,非核心技術領域上市的新藥,通常無法為跨國藥廠帶來立即且明顯的營收成長;跨國藥廠新藥若在非核心技術領域,通常也需要有核心的通路或客戶領域的支持,以降低風險。 四、成長卓越的跨國藥廠除了積極經營既有核心領域,也在五年中營造新的核心技術領域;這些新的領域,可望成為跨國藥廠未來企業成長的動力來源。 五、跨國藥廠受限於部分核心技術領域的市場潛力,縱使積極耕耘也很難為藥廠帶來明顯成長。


Pharmaceutical market growth significantly slowed down during the past five years and it is expected to continue to 2014. This is caused by patent expiry of blockbuster drugs, tightening healthcare expenditure set by governments, decline in patient affordability due to global economic recession as well as delay in new drug launch due to stricter regulations, among others. Such a critical situation constitutes a great challenge to many multinational pharmaceutical companies. Even though many large multinational pharmaceutical companies (MPC) have adopted different level of diversification strategies to branch out into business opportunities beyond pharmaceuticals, most companies still choose to focus on investing in drug development to avoid dilution of profitability. In this context, cost reduction to improve productivity, shift in marketing high-value specialty product or biological drugs and expansion into emerging markets have became main source of business growth. MPCs in Taiwan not only have to implement their global strategy, but also have to consider the characteristics of local market. Taiwan’s highly developed healthcare environment greatly affect MPC's operation and hence their financial performance which is related to its ability to leverage their core competence, grasp the differences in individual disease areas and to develop core competence-based diversification strategy. To reveal how MPCs in Taiwan respond to these challenges, we attempt to explore the growth trajectory of the top ten MPCs in Taiwan, with a special emphasis on the linkage between their competence leverage and business performance. Following are the conclusions generated by this research: 1.Performance of the MPCs positively relate to the number of core technological areas. A high performing company continuously re-invests its core businesses through launching new drug, strengthen their marketing capability and strategic alliances with other pharmaceutical companies. 2.Operational performance of a MPC is positively correlated to its competitive channel and customer advantage. An excellent company usually has the ability to maintain or even create channel and customer dominance; oppositely a poor pharmaceutical company often loses its channel and customer advantage. 3.Launching new drug in the non-core area usually leads to higher risks, which including a slow and unpredictable market introduction as well as low return on investment. Therefore, non-core technology often cannot bring in immediate and significant revenue growth for MPCs. In addition to core technology, finding the right leverage with core channel or customer may help to reduce risk. 4.A successful MPC with sustainable growth not only continuously strengthens its core competencies, but also develops new competence which could potentially contribute to future growth. 5.It is challenging for MPCs to generate significant growth from the core where the market potential is limited.


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吳昀潔(2014)。產品組合策略形成與核心能力之關聯研究-設計取向 VS 浮現取向〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00210
