  • 學位論文


Impedance Spectroscopy of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

指導教授 : 吳忠幟


由於染料敏化太陽能電池具有成本低廉、製程簡單以及效率良好等優點,近幾年來吸引了許多研究團隊投入並且有商業化的趨勢。染料敏化太陽能電池通常由染料、奈米多孔性二氧化鈦、電解質、白金對電極以及導電玻璃基板所組成,其效率有很大一部分取決於這些結構本身或是接面之間的阻抗特性。本論文利用交流阻抗頻譜的理論對二氧化鈦、白金以及電解液進行有系統的理論模型建立以及實驗驗證。 我們在半導體以及電化學等理論架構下建立染料敏化太陽能電池元件之物理模型以及直流與交流的等效電路,其中我們特別針對二氧化鈦層之電荷傳輸做詳細的探討。透過數值模擬,我們分析各種物理參數對於元件阻抗以及電流電壓特性的影響。在建立了元件的阻抗頻譜模型之後,我們製作了一系列簡化的結構以及完整的元件進行阻抗頻譜量測。我們首先用簡化的結構分析白金、導電玻璃基板與電解液之阻抗,接著我們分析不同工作狀態下的元件之阻抗以驗證我們提出的二氧化鈦層之阻抗頻譜理論,我們也分析了幾種電解液中常被用來提升元件效率的添加物對元件阻抗的影響,包含4-TBP、GuSCN和鋰離子,並對其現象提出解釋。


Due to their high efficiency, low cost and facile fabrication, dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have become a promising alternative and renewable energy source. The DSSC consists of a mesoporous TiO2 layer on which dye is adsorbed, an electrolyte containing iodide/tri-iodide as the redox couple, a Pt counter electrode and the transparent conductive substrate. Herein, we applied the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to investigate the charge transport and transfer processes in the DSSCs. A theoretical model has been elaborated, and simulations have been carried out. It was shown that trap states and energy levels of the TiO2 layer have strong impacts on DSSC impedance properties and current-voltage characteristics. Through some simplified device structures, we first identified the impedances of Pt/electrolyte interface, FTO/electrolyte interface and the electrolyte layer. Then, we performed a series of measurements on DSSCs under different operating conditions. Finally we analyzed the changes in impedance properties of the TiO2 layer induced by various additives widely used in electrolyte.


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