  • 學位論文


A Study on the Structure of Global LED Industry and Co-opetition Strategy of Firms in the Greater China Area

指導教授 : 李吉仁


全球LED產業技術迅速發展,競爭日益劇烈,整體產業處於快速成長與變革的洪流。全球龍頭廠商透過各種手段與策略鞏固自身地位,加上中國與韓國LED產業在政府扶持下快速成長,台灣身處於強敵環伺的競爭之中;雖然,台灣供應鏈完整,生產技術優良,產值更高居全球前三名之列,但如何面對未來的競爭情勢,仍有諸多的不確定性。 因此,本研究期望能透過有系統的研究探討,釐清全球LED產業複雜的樣貌,從而分析台灣廠商未來的發展策略與兩岸競合的可行性。本研究運用結構- 行為- 績效的理論框架,針對全球LED產業的現況與問題進行分析與探討;藉由整理、歸納與分析全球市場,瞭解全球LED產業基本條件與市場結構,並透過財務面分析領導廠商行為與經營績效的關聯性,研究未來整體產業發展趨勢與市場動向;立基於全球產業架構分析的基礎上,進一步分析兩岸市場,探討未來兩岸競合的關係,以及廠商行為的策略意涵。 根據研究結果發現,領導大廠把持全球主要關鍵專利與核心技術,藉此壟斷市場利潤與提高市場佔有率,並且透過交互授權,從而形成複雜的專利技術網絡,導致整體產業形成高度寡佔市場;但是許多專利即將到期,加上其他廠商相繼研發出新的專利與技術,未來,全球LED產業將重新洗牌;兩岸廠商在競合上,藉由台灣的專業人才與技術,配合中國龐大的內需市場以及政府政策的大力支持,雙方將有機會擺脫長久以來受制於國際大廠的窘境。具體作法上,包括兩岸策略聯盟以及制定共同標準,來增強彼此競爭優勢;而兩岸合作共同併購國際大廠,將使兩岸廠商一舉躍昇至國際大廠的地位,成為全球LED產業的領導廠商。


The LED industrial technology rapidly expands around the world, and the market competition is getting tough. The overall industry is in a stage of fast growth and transformation. All the world's leading manufacturers are facing consolidation that may threaten their existing positions. In addition, the LED industry is rapidly growing with strong government support in China and Korea. All these situations make Taiwanese firms falling into a global-local squeeze structure, despite theire well-structured, vertially integrated industrial supply chain and manufacturing excellence. The present research is motivated by this issue and is going to conduct a systematic structure analysis on this growing yet very competitive industrial sector, upon which our suggestions for Taiwanese companies to seek co-opetition possibility with companies in Mainland China are based. Employing industrial analysis framework, our study starts with a systematic research on the industry structure and market growth of the global LED industry and analyzes the co- opetition strategies undertaken by major players in this region. We found that the leading companies dominate the industry development through their patent position and cross-licensing strategy to sustain a oligopoly industry structure, under which major companies can enjoy decent profit. Considering limited size of their domestic market and global competition, we strongly suggest Taiwanese companies to upgrade their technology positions and strategically utilize the market size and growth opportunities in China to create a co- operative plateform for both market defense and offense. Implications and future research are also discussed.


林靜儀,2004,台灣地區製造業市場集中度、廣告密集度與利潤率關係之探討,台灣管理學刊,第4卷,第2期,頁203- 224。
黃雅琳,2009/ 2,2009年LED路燈產業發展分析報告,拓墣產業研究所
