  • 學位論文

我國公共圖書館生涯資訊服務需求之研究 -以臺北市申請失業給付之民眾為例

The Demand for Career Information Service in Public Libraries: A Study of the People Applying for Unemployment Benefits in Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳書梅


失業問題為長期存在之社會現象,尤其,近年來,金融風暴造成全球經濟衰退,臺灣亦遭受其害,造成失業率高漲,許多民眾無法充份就業之情況。而公共圖書館為社會服務機構之一,該如何協助民眾提昇就業知能,以增進就業機會,從而善盡圖書館的社會責任,實是值得吾人思考之議題。本研究採取問卷調查法,並輔以電話訪談,針對342位臺北市申請失業給付之民眾,探討其對我國公共圖書館生涯資訊服務之需求。本研究之目的涵括:(1) 了解臺北市申請失業給付民眾之生涯資訊需求及尋求生涯資訊管道;(2) 探討臺北市申請失業給付民眾於尋找生涯資訊時所遭遇的困難;(3) 探討臺北市申請失業給付之民眾對公共圖書館提供生涯資訊服務之看法與希望服務的內容;(4) 歸納研究結果並提出具體建議供國內公共圖書館規劃與施行生涯資訊服務之參考。 本研究結果顯示,就業機會、生涯規劃、評估個人興趣與技能為填答者最重視的三項生涯資訊需求。而在獲取生涯資訊管道中,以報紙或雜誌、政府就業服務機構及親友介紹為填答者最常取得生涯資訊的三項管道。而當填答者尋找生涯資訊遭遇到困難時以自行上網為較常採取的解決方法。曾使用公共圖書館尋找生涯資訊的民眾,以找到的資訊太舊不夠新穎為首要遭遇的困難。而在希望公共圖書館提供生涯資訊服務的內容方面,則以就業機會、評估個人興趣與技能、公職或證照考試以及生涯規劃為填答者最希望公共圖書館提供的四項館藏資源;而希望公共圖書館提供之生涯資訊類型,則以網路資源為主;其需求之服務項目則包括如提供生涯館藏資源、生涯資訊類型、轉介服務、成立生涯資訊服務中心、舉辦相關活動、及生涯諮商等服務。 最後,依據研究結果,研究者對公共圖書館、圖書資訊學界及政府單位提出若干建議。同時,亦提出進一步研究之建議。


Unemployment is becoming a long-term social problem. Especially, in the recent years, when the Financial crisis bringing about the global economic downturn. Taiwan has been victimized for the high unemployment that many people can’t be full employment. It is worth to think the public libraries, as one of the public services, how to assist people to enhance the employability to increase job opportunities and fulfill their social functions. Therefore this research adopts documentary analysis, supplemented by telephone interviews to investigate the needs of utilizing career information service (CIS) at public libraries in Taiwan by the 342 samples who are chosen from the citizens applying for the unemployment compensation. The goals of the study include: 1.to comprehend the needs of career information service for those who apply the service; 2 to inquire the difficulties encountered during using the service; 3 to ascertain applicants’ anticipations and perspectives on career information service; 4 to propose solid suggestions according to the research findings as consultation for future career information service scheming and implementing to domestic public libraries. According to the research result, information about employment opportunity, profession planning, aptitude is the most demanding service among the informants. Newspaper and magazines, governmental human resource organizations, and relatives and friends are frequently applied as channels for career information service. The most popular solution for predicaments confronted during using career information service is internet. Major trouble came across for those who have the experience using career information service is slow renewal rate on the information. The most expected information includes employment opportunity, aptitude, civil service exams and certification and license exams and they should be the top four public library resources. The most prospective way on retrieving career information is through internet resource. The service types of career information which are well accepted by the applicants include internet resource, the major one, collections about profession information, different type of career information, referral service, establishing career information service center, activities and events about career information service and consultation for career information service. The results of the study can be suggestions to public libraries, library associations and governmental organizations as referral.


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Career 就業情報網(民100)。就業博覽會場怎樣搶工作?職缺僧多粥少求職大不易。上網日期:民100年3月16日。檢自:http://fresh.career.com.tw/sub32_5.html
