  • 學位論文


The Roles of Data Gathering and Anxiety Sensitivity in the Psychopathogenesis of Panic Disorder: An Analogue Study on College Students

指導教授 : 張素凰


研究背景與目的:本類擬研究旨在探討資料採集與焦慮敏感度於恐慌疾患心理病理之角色。過去的研究顯示恐慌疾患有注意力與記憶力等方面的資料處理偏誤,但並未進一步探討這些偏誤將會如何影響個體面對中性刺激與情緒性刺激的資料採集歷程。研究方法:(1)研究一:使用中性珠子作業,探討資料採集與焦慮敏感度於恐慌疾患的心理病理所扮演的角色。為2(焦慮敏感度:高焦慮敏感度與低焦慮敏感度)× 3(珠子的比例:80:20、60:40與50:50)× 2(恐慌認知與身體感覺的操弄:有誘發恐慌認知與身體感覺與無誘發恐慌認知與身體感覺)的三因子受試者混合設計,依變項為總反應時間、所觀看珠子的數量,及作答肯定程度。(2)研究二:使用情緒性圖片作業,探討資料採集與焦慮敏感度於恐慌疾患的心理病理所扮演的角色。為2(焦慮敏感度:高焦慮敏感度與低焦慮敏感度)× 3(圖片性質的比例:舒服身體感覺的圖片略多、不舒服身體感覺的圖片略多與兩種性質的圖片數量相同)× 2(恐慌認知與身體感覺的操弄:有誘發恐慌認知與身體感覺與無誘發恐慌認知與身體感覺)的三因子受試者混合設計,依變項為總反應時間、所觀看圖片數量,及作答肯定程度。結果與結論:研究結果發現:(1)面對中性珠子刺激,焦慮敏感度高者在不同的情境中,資料採集的總反應時間、所觀看珠子的數量等依變項之平均值皆與焦慮敏感度低者無顯著異,但在不確定程度較低的作業,其作答肯定程度之平均值卻顯著小於焦慮敏感度低者在相同刺激下的平均值。(2)面對情緒性圖片作業,焦慮敏感度高者在有誘發恐慌認知與身體感覺的情境中,會觀看較多的圖片,在總反應時間、觀看圖片的數量等依變項之平均值顯著高於無誘發恐慌認知與身體感覺下的平均值,資料採集較為急促,但作答肯定程度的變化量不大,處於較高的水準,呈現過去研究未曾提及的資料採集歷程。本研究建議,在探討個體資料採集偏誤時,應同時考量資料採集的數量、總反應時間與作答肯定程度三指標,且在較短的時間採集較多的資料也應被視為資料採集偏誤或驟下結論傾向。本研究亦就結果所顯示的臨床意義與未來研究方向提出討論。


Background and purpose: Previous studies have focused primarily on perceptual cues or attentional biases in patients with panic disorder. But the consequences of these processes for the selection of action have been less well studied. Research which has empirically documented the link between panic disorder and data gathering is scant. Therefore, the aim of this analogue study attempted to explore the roles of data gathering and anxiety sensitivity in the psychopathogenesis of panic disorder. Method: (1) Study 1: This study employed neutral beans as stimuli. A 2 x 3 x 2 mixed design with degree of anxiety sensitivity (high ASI vs. low ASI) and condition (hypervigilance vs. resting) serving as between participants factors, and bean ratio (80:20, 60:40, 50:50) serving as a within participants factor was conducted for reaction time of the task, number of draws, and degree of confidence in decision. (2) Study 2: According to the results of a preliminary experiment, this study employed emotional pictures as stimuli to conduct a 2 x 3 x 2 mixed design with degree of anxiety sensitivity (high ASI vs. low ASI) and condition (hypervigilance vs. resting) as independent variables, and ratio of the valence of picture (80:20, 60:40, 50:50) as within participant factor. The dependent variables were reaction time of the task, number of draws, and degree of confidence in decision. Results and conclusions: The results revealed that (1) high ASI group with neutral stimulus had no difference with low ASI group in reaction time and number of draws, but a lower degree of confidence in decision; (2) high ASI group in panic-related state had higher score on the total reaction time and number of draws than in non-panic-related state when facing emotional task; (3) high ASI group had a lower number of draws while the ratio of the valance of uncomfortable pictures was slightly higher than comfortable pictures. As a result, we believe our study has successfully manipulated the emotional state of pictures. Future research could examine the interaction of data gathering and anxiety sensitivity in clinical application by using the materials in this study with larger participants. The immplications of the present results and future research possibilities are postulated.


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