  • 學位論文


Simulation and Analysis of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry on Capillary-Gravity Water Surface Detection

指導教授 : 趙鍵哲




Airborne LiDAR bathymetry has been proven an ideal technique in both safety and efficiency concerns for 3-D topographic surveying in both shallow water and tidal flat areas. Yet the crucial challenge for acquiring terrain of water bottom is to precisely capture the trajectory of laser pulse when travelling between different medium, air and water. Therefore, the quality of mapping 3-D bottom terrain would depend on how well the waveform analysis on determining the timing hitting water surface and water bottom can be designated. The goal of this research is to comprehend the reaction of laser pulse on water surface, mainly wind- induced capillary-gravity wave facets. In particular, laser scanning geometry and the meteorological factor that shape the waveform geometrically and radiometrically are analyzed and thus the better timing detection method can be advised. In additional to gaining better understanding of laser-to-water interaction, this work may contribute to highlighting the significance of water surface detection which current airborne LiDAR bathymetric systems overlook.


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