  • 學位論文


The Underlying Process of Creative Advertising Effect:The Modeling Role of Product Ambiguity

指導教授 : 練乃華


廣告在行銷歷史上扮演了重要角色,廣告創意仍被每年的全球性廣告與行銷獎項所重視,而本研究即致力於探討廣告創意產生效果的條件是否為市場產品的模糊性,因實務上消費者獲知資訊的能力不斷上升,此時廣告創意是否仍有用? 故本研究目的為研究產品模糊性對廣告創意效果的干擾作用,探討產品資訊模糊性(Ambiguity)是否為創意廣告的干擾變數,且干擾(Moderate)之下的廣告效果為何。及消費者的創意心智(Consumer Creative Mind-Set)與正向心情(Positive Affect)是否扮演了廣告創意效果的中介角色 本研究採用受試者間實驗設計法,分為「高/低廣告創意」、「產品模糊性高/低」兩因子,形成四個實驗組,再進行雙因子變異數分析(Two-way ANOVA)、單變量共變數分析、多元迴歸分析、調節迴歸分析。有效樣本數131,結果部分符合預期。研究結果如下指出: 一、 看完有創意的廣告之後,確實會形成正向心情(Positive Affect),但後續僅會對於觀賞意圖(Viewing Intention)有顯著的影響力,對購買意圖(Purchase Intention)的影響不顯著 二、 廣告創意越高,消費者創意心智(Consumer Creative Mind-set)也越高。但當消費者創意心智不論越高或越低,廣告效果都未受到影響 三、 廣告創意與產品資訊模糊性對廣告效果具有顯著的交互作用效果,即廣告創意確實需搭配產品資訊模糊性在適當的程度下,才會有效地產生廣告效果。 四、 有創意的廣告搭配產品資訊模糊性低時比模糊性高(Unambiguity)時,購買意圖較佳,此為與研究假說完全相反之結果。有創意的廣告搭配產品資訊模糊性高時比模糊性低(Unambiguity)時,觀賞意圖(VI)才會較佳;但高與低創意的廣告(Uncreative Ads)在產品資訊模糊性低時觀賞意圖(VI)無顯著差異。


Advertising plays an important role in marketing history. The global creative and marketing awards still value advertising creativity as treasure every year. In practice, consumers nowadays could get more information of interesting consumptions through multiple media and channels. Does advertising creativity still make an impact when consumers encounter ambiguous product information? If so, what is the underlying mechanism? These are interesting and important issues for both researchers and advertising managers. This study examined how product information ambiguity moderates advertising creativity effect, also investigated whether consumer creative mind-set and positive affect mediate the persuasion process of advertising creativity. A 2x2 between-subject experiment was conducted. The two independent variables are” advertising creativity”、and “product information ambiguity”. The one-way univariate analysis of covariance (UANCOVA), two-way analysis of covariance (two-way ANOVA), multiple regressions, moderating regression were also applied to test the hypotheses. The results are as follow: 1. Creative ads lead to positive affect, which then increases viewing intention but not purchasing intention. 2. Consumers form a creative mind-set after seeing creative ads, but mind-set dose not influence viewing intention nor purchase intention. 3. There are a significant interaction between advertising creativity and product ambiguity. When product information is not ambiguous, creative ads generate higher purchase intention and viewing intention than not creative ads. When product information is ambiguous, there's no significant difference between high and low creative ads. 4. Under the high product ambiguity conditions, the viewing intention for creative ads is significantly higher than for uncreative ads. Under the low ambiguity condition, viewing intention does not differ between creative and uncreative ads.


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