  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Ticket Pricing at Live Concerts

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


在以往的研究中,演唱會的票價與週邊商品這兩項相關互補的產品類總是在研究中被分開來探討。在本篇的研究中,主要是以實證研究(Empirical Study)的方式使用問卷來蒐集資料,來推導出一個可以結合演唱會票價的購買意願與週邊商品的迴歸模型(Regression Model)。由於演唱會最熱門跟最常出現的週邊商品為螢光棒以及T-SHIRT,本研究針對這兩項周邊商品在加上明星光環時的購買意願進行調查。在檢查完迴歸模型適用後,本研究探討的相關係數包含週邊商品加了明星光環後的訂價差異,參加演唱會的民眾對於螢光棒和T-SHIRT的喜愛程度,以及民眾印象中對於其他人在週邊商品上所進行的花費數字。最後,本研究以迴歸模型來推導一場模擬實際現實中演唱會的市場需求(Demand Function),來進行收益管理(Revenue Management)與訂價的策略。此研究發現,加了明星光環的T-SHIRT比加了明星光環的螢光棒帶來更高的票價購買意願。此外,使用迴歸模型的收益訂價策略的收入會增加51.19%。


Traditionally, concert ticket sales and merchandise sales which are complementary to one other have been examined separately. The following paper conducts an empirical study to develop a model that links the relationship between a consumer’s merchandise preferences and its influence on the individual’s ticket reservation price. Two of the most prevalent concert merchandise items, the Glowstick and the T-Shirt, are selected to represent this category. The merchandise variables investigated include the consumer’s personal interest in the merchandise item, the difference in the reservation price for a merchandise item due to celebrity stardom, and the individual’s perception of the merchandise spending of an average concert attendee. Regression is used to explain the link between ticket reservation price model and these merchandise variables. It is discovered that there is a stronger brand influence to Celebrity T-Shirts when compared to Celebrity Glowsticks on Ticket Reservation Prices. Using the model to forecast a larger population demand through ticket reservation prices, revenue management is applied to a live ticket concert scenario to determine the optimal ticket prices. Compared to the traditional scenario of ticket pricing, the revenue management scheme incorporating the merchandise regression model shows a 51.19% improvement in revenue.


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