  • 學位論文


Perception of Consonants and Lexical Tones in School-Aged Children with Reading Disabilities

指導教授 : 曹峰銘


本研究的目的在探討閱讀障礙兒童對於華語輔音及聲調的知覺表現,檢視其在不同聽覺環境(有無背景噪音)下語音判斷的情形,藉此釐清是否聽覺處理能力影響輔音知覺,以及這群兒童的聲調知覺組織。本研究包含兩個實驗。實驗一以成人為受試者,目的在於選擇適合後續進行兒童語音知覺實驗的語音刺激。發現成人在有無背景噪音情境下,輔音指認的正確率均高。聲調區辨表現,除了二聲和三聲的區辨正確率較低,其他聲調配對也都有九成以上的正確率。以多元尺度法分析其對平均音高及基頻趨勢兩類聲調聲學線索的知覺比重,發現成人對此兩類聲學線索的知覺比重無顯著差異。實驗二以國小二到三年級閱讀障礙兒童(n = 20)及年齡和非語文智商配對的對照組兒童(n = 20)為對象。結果顯示,和對照組相比,閱障兒童在有無背景噪音狀態下的輔音指認正確率均顯著較低。但輔音知覺的噪音遮蔽解除效益隨噪音的調幅頻率而變,但是未受組別差異的影響,此表示閱障兒童的聽覺處理能力可能和正常發展兒童相似。聲調知覺方面,閱障兒童的聲調區辨敏感度低於對照組。多元尺度法分析結果顯示,相對於對照組,閱障兒童的聲調知覺組織,較無法表徵各聲調在平均音高和基頻趨勢兩類聲學線索上的相對位置。此外,相關及迴歸分析結果顯示,語音知覺和閱讀表現有關。整體而言,閱障兒童的輔音及聲調知覺表現均不如對照組,顯示語音知覺處理限制;但卻有與一般兒童相近的噪音遮蔽解除聽覺表現,表示這樣的限制可能並非來自於聽覺處理缺損的後續效果。研究結果較支持閱讀障礙兒童的語音知覺處理限制應屬於語言特定的看法,並顯示語音知覺限制和閱讀學習困難的關係。


The main goal of this study was to explore the consonant and lexical tone perception in children with reading disabilities (RD). This study also investigated whether speech perception deficits in children with RD was the results of general auditory processing deficit. In addition, this study examined the perceptual organization of lexical tones in these children. Experiment 1 recruited adults and aimed to select proper speech stimuli for testing children in experiment 2. Results of experiment 1 showed that adults correctly identified consonants in a silent background condition. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis demonstrated that adults perceptual equally weighed the pitch height and the pitch direction in the perceptual organization for lexical tones. Experiment 2 aimed to examine the speech perception in 8-9 year-old children with RD. Both children with RD (n = 20) and chronological age and non-verbal IQ matched children (n = 20) participated in this experiment. Children with RD performed less accurately in identifying consonants than the matched-group children in both with/without the amplitude modulation noise in the background. In addition, children with RD demonstrated the “release from masking” effect, suggesting that the auditory processing ability of children with RD was near to normal. Results also demonstrated that children with RD performed poorer than the matched group in discriminating lexical tone contrasts. The MDS analysis revealed that perceptual organization for lexical tones of children with RD was different from that of matched group. In addition, results of both correlation and regression analyses demonstrated the strong association between speech perception performance and reading abilities. Results of this study showed the speech perception deficit in children with RD and this deficit not be the result of a general auditory processing impairment.


Tsao, F. M. (2008). The effect of acoustical similarity on lexical-tone perception of one-year-old Mandarin-learning infants. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 50, 111-124.


