  • 學位論文

B2B通路整合模式研究 - 以IBM的通路設計為例

The Study of B2B Channel Integration Model: International Business Machine (IBM) Corp. Case Study

指導教授 : 柯承恩
共同指導教授 : 謝明慧(Ming-Huei Hsieh)


銷售通路對於B2B企業十分重要,除了因為銷售通路是影響企業業績的主要因素外,更重要的是銷售通路是客戶與企業的第一線互動介面,客戶對於該公司的所有認識,銷售通路可以說傳達了第一手的消息,對於B2B的品牌企業而言,銷售通路還影響了客戶心目中的品牌形象。 台灣的客戶過去主要的長才,在於建立有效率且成本控制嚴格的企業,而展望未來,唯有更貼近市場,才能在這波激烈的競爭中存活下來,建立自有品牌與銷售通路,是一個可能的策略選擇,但是,與過去的強項卻有本質上的差異。 本研究透過公開資訊與內部文件的研究、與相關高階主管的訪談、個人工作的經歷與觀察,詳細探訪個案IBM公司的銷售通路,了解IBM公司如何進行通路設計的邏輯,從客戶的分級到銷售覆蓋模式的選擇,檢視IBM的各種銷售通路的設計,以及通路績效的評估。透過IBM的銷售通路檢視後,進行通路互動與整合的分析,最後提出B2B多通路的設計參考模型,以及從個案觀察得到的關鍵成功因素。 透過研究的紀錄與成果,希望能夠提供企業未來進行銷售通路設計與營運時的參考,利用研究所發展出來的通路設計架構,進行多通路的建置,同時,運用發現的成功因素,讓多通路的運作能夠更為順暢。


Sales channels are important to an enterprise. Not only because of its the impact of business, but also the impression created through being the front interface with the customers. Customers learned from sales channels to understand the operation of a company presented by the sales. For some B2B brand company, a sales channel also contributes to build a brand image in front of customers. In the past, most Taiwanese companies were focusing on cost control and supply chain efficiency to compete on price. But the only way to survive in the high competition situation is to get closed to the market especially when they are losing the cost advantage. To transform their business into own brand business and establish good sales channels might be a strategic decision. But it’s very different than most companies’ current competencies. This study will explore the sales channel of IBM through public information, internal documents and executive interview. We will look at the logics of IBM’s channel design starting from customer segmentation, sales coverage model, route to market, channel performance evaluation, and the interaction between difference channels. We hope to provide a logic structure and some critical successful factors after the deep analysis of IBM’s case. We hope this study will provide a useful structure and principles that companies can leverage when they are designing their sales network and partner strategy in the future.


1. Harvey Thompson, 2005, ”誰偷了我的客戶?”,中譯本由晨星出版
2. IBV: 2006, “大中華區企業的客戶區隔與管理”, IBM Institute of Business Value, IBM
3. IBM: 2007, “經營客戶體驗創造品牌擁護者”, IBM
4. IBV: 2009, “從混亂到規律”, IBM Institute of Business Value, IBM
