  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Non-enrollment and Non-employment on Taiwan's Youth

指導教授 : 黃芳玫


近年來全球青少年「未就學未工作」之情況越來越普遍,根據國際勞工組織(ILO)在2011年所發表的「全球青少年就業趨勢」之統計資料,指出各國青少年失業率與青少年尼特族人數年年上升。觀察臺灣15-24歲青少年之勞動力參與率逐年下降,而青少年失業率則年年上升,此顯示臺灣青少年亦存在「未就學未工作」之情況。為研究青少年「未就學未工作」之成因,本文同時採用「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」(Taiwan Youth Project,簡稱TYP)自2000開始調查之國一與國三學生樣本,追蹤其在19-24時期的就學與就業行為,試圖探討影響臺灣19-24歲青少年就學與工作之決策因子與其「未就學未工作」之成因,並進一步討論這些因子對青少年「未就學未工作」持續期間之影響。 實證研究結果顯示,在個人特質方面,青少年為男性、曾輟學、就讀職業學校以及學業成績表現不佳,其成為「未就學未工作」狀態之可能性提高,且近一步發現男性、曾經輟學以及學業成績表現不佳,會延長其在19-22歲之「未就學未工作」持續期間。而家庭背景部分,父母婚姻不完整以及父親教育程度高之青少年則較容易選擇就學或工作狀態,較不容易成為「未就學未工作」狀態,但家庭背景對青少年「未就學未工作」持續期間長短則無顯著影響。


In recent years,the number of youths who were school nonenrolled and nonemployed increased substantially. According to the report of International Labor Organization (ILO),“Global Employment Trends for Youth”in August 2011,the unemployment rates of youths and the number of youth NEETs (not in employment , education or training) were increasing globally. In the case of Taiwan, the labor force participation rates of youths aged 15-24 were declining, and their unemployment rates were rising since 1990. This studytends to investigate the school enrollment and employment behaviors of Taiwanese youths during ages of 19-24, and further examines their school non-enrolled and non-employed behaviors by using a panel data set – Taiwan Youth Project. The impacts of individual and family characteristics on the durations of school non-enrollment and non-employmentduring the ages of 19-24 are one of the focus in this study. Our results indicate that male, high school dropouts from high-school, and youths with low academic scores in junior middle school, were more likely to be school non-enrollment and non-employment. Male, high-school dropouts and youths with low academic score had longer periods of the school non-enrollment and non-employment. Youths who came from non-intact or single-parent families were less likely to be school non-enrollment and non-employment.


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