  • 學位論文


From the Experiences of Sabah to Figure out the Potentials and Challenges to Implement ICCAs in Taiwan – The Case Studies of Stream Conservation.

指導教授 : 盧道杰


「原住民與社區保育區」(Indigenous & Community Conserved Area, 簡稱ICCA)是近年國際保育社會力推的社區治理棲地保育的政策工具,已有許多國家地區認可與支持,其是指由原住民或在地社區透過有效的慣習法或其他方法,志願性保育自然資源。台灣也有許多社區保育的個案,封溪護漁是其中最普遍的一種,其恰與沙巴的內陸漁業型的ICCA類同。本研究旨在比較分析沙巴推行內陸漁業型ICCA的兩個個案與台灣崙埤部落封溪護漁的經驗,探究台灣推行ICCA的潛力與挑戰。研究發現:1) 在社區內部的治理上:在地菁英與頭人所形成的強烈社區領導力、村民共同的價值與目標的凝聚、傳統與現代體制的嵌合、有效的規範與處罰、公開參與的決策機制、利益公平分配及社區能力等,是影響社區治理溪流及其漁業資源的重要因子。2) 國家法規與政策上:對比沙巴以原住民法庭與內陸漁業法支持其原住民社區的溪漁資源治理,台灣未能在法規政策的層面,給予封溪護漁足夠的肯認與支持,對社區的賦權也不足夠。3) 在其他外部支持因子上,馬來西亞沙巴的Partners of Community Organisations in Sabah (PACOS),顯現了保育與發展非營利組織在推行內陸漁業型ICCAs的重要協助角色;臺灣則有豐沛的政府社區計畫經費。總的來說,以台灣社區的能動量,是有相當推行ICCA的潛力,但須加強認可與支持等外部的體制配套,以賦予社區治理自然資源的正當性,並透過培力增加社區能力。


Indigenous & Community Conserved Area (ICCA) is a policy tool promoted by the international conservation community for community governance on habitat conservation in recent years, which have been recognized and supported by many State governments and authorities. A ICCA means the natural and/or modified ecosystems containing biodiversity values, ecological services, and cultural values, voluntarily conserved by indigenous and/or other communities through customary laws or other effective ways. We also have a few cases of community-based conservation in Taiwan in which the type of stream conservation is the most popular one that similar with the inland fishery ICCA in Sabah, Malaysia. Aiming to explore the potential and challenges of Taiwan to implement ICCAs, this study compared and analyzed 2 cases of inland fishery ICCAs in Sabah and the case of Lunpi tribe in Taiwan. The results show: 1. There are several influential factors to support community governance on streams and their fresh-water fishery resources, which include, the strong leadership led by local elites and head persons, common values and objectives of villagers, integration of traditional social norm and modern institutions, effective regulations and punishment, equity, public participation, and community capacity. 2. Regarding legislation and policies,while there are the native court and Sabah Inland Fisheries Aquaculture Enactment 2003 to support the indigenous community governance on inland fishery in Sabah, we couldn’t have sufficient recognition and supports by the government on the stream conservation, neither the empowerment of community. 3. About external supports: As it plays a key role on assisting and promoting inland fishery ICCAs for the conservation and development non-profit organizations in Sabah, for example, the Partners of Community Organisations in Sabah (PACOS), we have abundant fund sponsored by the community programs of the government in Taiwan. Generally, there is potential to implement ICCAs in Taiwan considering the power and capacity of local communities. Nevertheless, it needs improve the institutional arrangement of recognition and external supports to send the jurisdictions for the communities to govern natural resources, and to empower local communities for capacity building.


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