  • 學位論文


A Study on the Operational Innovation in Commercial Trade Channel by Foreign Pharmaceutical Companies in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁 黃崇興


儘管台灣的全民健康保險制度提供被保險者不錯的醫療照護,但全民健保制度存在不少潛在難解決的問題,其中又以藥價黑洞與醫院浮報問題最為嚴重。為壓制藥價黑洞的問題,健保局每兩年便針對藥商實施「藥價調查」,要求廠商降低藥品的給付價格,對藥品提供廠商的永續經營,造成極為不利的影響。為擴大經營機會點,許多外商藥局因而針對藥局通路中的獨立藥局,發展創新的營運模式。針對此一發展趨勢,本研究以產業中主要的外商,美商默沙東藥廠,在藥局通路所做的營運模式為個案,進行理論與質性實證的研究分析,希望能夠對於未來醫藥市場的創新營運策略,提出實用性的建言。 本研究首先分析台灣醫療通路市場概況,再以五力模型進行醫藥產業結構的分析,接著引用價值網理論分析此一營運模式中的競合策略邏輯。據此,本研究提出幾項研究發現與策略建議:1.)將快速流通消費品(FMCG)的行銷概念帶入藥局通路的策略規劃,建立品牌忠誠度、2.)透過與通路夥伴合作來進行醫藥行銷營運模式,運用通路夥伴的資源整合能力,把不同藥廠相同屬性的產品圈在一起,來擴大顧客價值、3.)與競爭對手合作一起加強衛教觀念推廣,使整體市場成長,大家一起獲利、4.)對病人及藥師做差異化行銷策略。其中前三項係帶入其他產業之互補者,即把所有的參賽者都變成公司的互補者,本研究中以美商默沙東藥廠與裕利有限公司的合作為例,來說明裕利有限公司如何透過資源整合的能力來帶入其他產業的互補者。最後,本研究整理了美商默沙東藥廠在泰國分公司的實踐成果與關鍵因素,以做為未來在台灣市場的標竿學習。本研究結果期能提供廠商在藥局通路市場規劃出具體可行的長期競合策略,跳脫以往傳統藥品的經營框架,朝著永續經營的目標邁進。


While the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme provides a comprehensive healthcare coverage to people of Taiwan, the current system remains problematic, especially, in the area of hospital’s inflation of purchasing price, or so-called reimbursement price “black hole”. To suppress such price inflation, the authority initiates price-survey actions every two years to force medicine providers to cut their supply prices constantly, which made foreign pharmaceutical companies hard to manage their bottom lines and long-term sustainability. Consequently, foreign pharmaceutical companies must proactively consider and seek other opportunities that lead to improved operational results. Independent pharmacies then become a potential area to initiate operational innovation, which motivates the present thesis research. The present study undertakes a case study based on Merck’s initiation in Taiwan and other countries focusing on developing new business approach in the pharmaceutical commercial trade channel. Supporting our analyses lies in the use of industry structure and value net analytical framework. With research efforts, we found that: 1) Incorporating FMCG concept of fast moving consumer goods into marketing strategies within the context of pharmaceutical commercial trade channel would be feasible, 2) Implementing pharmaceutical marketing and operational business models through channel partnership by integrating various resource owners to enhance customer value proposition, 3) Creating win-win solutions through better cooperation with competitors, improving and promoting health education and concept to the general public, 4) Developing differentiation marketing strategies targeting patients and pharmacists. To support our arguments, we take Merck and Zuellig Pharma as a case for exploration. In addition, we study a benchmark case that occurred in Merck's Thailand market. Overall, we hope all these explorations have provided a solid basis and blueprint for implementing specific, effective and feasible long-term competitive strategies for pharmaceutical commercial trade channel in Taiwan. Suggestions for future research are also provided.


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