  • 學位論文


Application Behavior Analysis over Mobile Devices

指導教授 : 郭大維


本研究探討應用程式執行於行動裝置時,對於嵌入式系統各種硬體資源的需求程度,提出一套可表現系統負載之軟體效能評估系統。 我們從底層挑選出多個具有代表性的觀察指標,藉以觀察五大硬體資源的使用狀態。 這些觀察指標同時具備與資源主要索引呈現正向關係並且具有其特殊性。 藉由觀察應用程式運行期間之平均負載以及變異係數,我們可以瞭解在應用程式運行其功能時所需要的資源。 我們分成幾的階段討論不同應用程式的行為之資源消耗。 第一、平均資源消耗 第二、資源使用變異性 第三、工作分配 第四、細節硬體使用關係 藉由觀察不同應用程式行為資源使用形況,了解應用程式運行期間是否存在固定的使用樣式。 我們希望提供系統供應商在制定新規格時的參考, 提供程式開發人員了解開發之程式實係需要的硬體資源量,並且提供使用者一個有系統的方式比較不同的的應用程式的效能優劣。 此系統採用之索引皆為Linux標準索引,可移植於用任何Android裝置。


This research aims to understand the resource usage requirements when mobile application programs run on a smart handheld device, as well as analyze whether the requirements of software programs on hardware resources should have some impact on the design of dynamic voltage scaling polices. We may all have such an experience that surrounding friends complain to us that they feel some mobile software seems to be more energy-consuming than another with a similar functionality. However, it is hard to quantify the feeling, and unqualified software programs’ abuse of hardware resources is often one of the major reasons behind energy consumption. In this project, we will adopt Android, the most popular mobile platform in the personal computing market, as our experimental platform, as well as explore the resource usage requirements and application scenarios of some popular Android Apps, such as video streaming and social networks applications. In particular, we will identify a group of appropriate metrics for each hardware component, and propose a systemic approach to quantify how software programs utilize hardware resources. With the proposed approach, we will be able to understand the similarity and dissimilarity in resource usage requirements among apps with a similar functionality, the main reason of energy consumption for apps with different functionalities, the impact of resource usage requirements on power consumption, and so on. Finally, the information regarding resource usage requirements and energy consumption will be presented in figures and tables.


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