  • 學位論文


System Identification of a Building With Mid-story Seismic Isolation

指導教授 : 田堯彰


本文旨在建立一套中間隔震層建築物之系統識別,期望以一簡化的模型識別出具有意義之物理參數。利用合理假設將中間層隔震建築物簡化成四個集中質量節點,分別為上部結構、隔震層上方樓板、下部結構與等值基礎,而每個節點有長向、短向以及扭轉向,共12個自由度。在上部結構採用等效線性模態質量法,將隔震層上方多自由度簡化成一單自由度系統,並且考慮其偏心所造成之扭轉耦合效應;而裝設在隔震層之鉛心橡膠支承墊其力學反應為雙線性行為,將以Masing Rule之背骨曲線去做描述;在等值基礎為描述土壤與結構互制之反應,藉由土壤彈簧法將土壤與結構物之間之阻抗簡化成等效彈簧與阻尼,並假設與應用Bouc Wen模式描述其反應為非線性反應。在識別參數上是使用最小平方法的概念,但在上部結構因有偏心距使函數為非線性,故利用Levenberg-Marquardt演算法來執行非線性狀況下之最小平方法。 在數值驗證方面,將以自行估算之參數代入模型中,以El Centro地震歷時藉由Newmarkβ線性加速度法做動力分析,以此求得各自由度之歷時反應,將其作為量測資料進行系統識別,驗證模型正確性與識別流程可行性。 在實例識別方面,以台大土木研究大樓作為分析對象,藉由台灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所新建大樓結構物強震監測系統裝設計畫,所收集到歷時資料配合適當之基線修正作為量測資料進行分析,將其進行系統識別求取各自由度之勁度、阻尼以及偏心距參數,最後計算量測資料之歷時反應與識別之歷時反應做比較,並且量化成誤差指標看其差異以及探討其誤差來源之原因,以確認本文之系統識別在實際應用的可行性。


The objective of the research is to establish a system identification procedure of building with mid-story isolation, expecting to identify meaningful and physical parameters of building with a simplified model. We use lump mass method, simplifying a building with mid-story isolation into a four lump mass system. Respectively, these are superstructure, floor above isolation system, substructure and equivalent foundation. And we consider there are three degrees of freedom (longitudinal, transverse and torsional) in every lump mass, total of twelve degrees of freedom. For the superstructure, we use effective modal mass method to simplify multiple degrees of freedom system, and consider torsional coupling effect with it. Bilinear mechanical behavior assumed in isolation story with LRB, following the Skeleton curve in Masing Rule. Besides, in equivalent foundation, we describe the soil-structure interaction system with the Soil Spring Method. Soil and structure are simplified impedance between the effective spring and damping, and assume that the reaction is a non-linear response, following the Bouc-Wen Modal. We use the concept of least square method in the identification. This is a non-linear least square problem because there two eccentricities in superstructure. Therefore, we used Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to solve non-linear least square problem. In numerical example, we estimated the structure parameter with twelve degrees of freedom of mid-story isolation building modal. Next, we input El Centro earthquake and calculated dynamics response of all degrees of freedom by Newmarkβ linear acceleration method. Subsequently, regarding the behavior of each degree of freedom as measurement data, the identification procedure is executed to verify the suitability of identification theory and modified identification model. The data gathered by strong motion instrumentation program in the New Research Building of Civil Engineering department of National Taiwan University is adopted as measurement data to implement practical analysis, both the single and multi-section identification are accomplished and discussed in the research. Finally, the reliability of the identification procedure is verified by calculating the error index between the result of identification procedure and measurement data.


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