  • 學位論文


A study on the services and management of OSH consulation systems in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳志傑
共同指導教授 : 蘇德勝(Teh-sheng Su)


台灣100年度工作場所發生重大職業災害共造成勞工281人死亡,同時勞工因在工作場所發生職業災害而申請職業災害保險給付共計40,001人次,另外勞工罹患職業病申請保險給付者共計893人次,依據勞工保險局統計台灣每年因職業災害、職業病補償金額約在新台幣70億以上。100年度台灣勞動檢查員人數總共449人,估算我國每百萬勞動人口之勞動檢查人力為40%,相較於ILO之建議標準我國勞動檢查人力仍有偏低情形。有鑒於此,促進台灣職業安全衛生顧問諮詢產業之發展,可望有效分擔勞動檢機構之義務,並實際提升勞工作業場所安全衛生保障,減少職業災害、職業病之發生。 本研究蒐集台灣、日本、英國、美國等4國相關文獻資料進行分析比較,包含安全衛生顧問制度之管理辦法,以及安全衛生顧問機構針對事業單位所提供之服務內容,並了解顧問服務市場規模、人力資源和發展概況。 依據國內外相關文獻歸納分析後,設計「職業安全衛生顧問機構」問卷,透過31位專家建議進行2次修正以完成專家效度評估,後續針對不同安全衛生領域的專家進行大規模問卷調查並進行統計分析。同時依據問卷初步分析結果進一步深度訪談數位安全衛生領域專家,並蒐集分析專家座談會各焦點團之結論共識。 本研究問卷總計發放人數為203人,回收147份,回收率72.41%,問卷分析結果發現,各領域專家多數皆對我國發展安全衛生顧問服務之成效與可行性給予正面評價。在深度訪談與座談會共識中,則建議政府初期不應針對顧問機構過度規範,可優先建立網路登錄平台提供業者與企業使用,以自由市場機制發展。 本研究參考各國安全衛生顧問管理制度與發展現況,並完成我國顧問人力資源之調查,彙整不同領域安全衛生專家之共識,評估我國建立職業安全衛生顧問諮詢體系之可行性,並針對顧問服務之種類、範圍、條件,人員資格、職責、認可程序…等分別提出建議,期待有效運用專業人力協助預防職業災害,並促進我國職業安全衛生顧問業之發展。


According to statistic, numerous catastrophic occupational accidents occurred in Taiwan, caused 281 fatalities in 2011. Meanwhile, it not merely 40,001 labor insurance benefit applications for occupational injury were applied by insured labor but 893 confirmed occupational disease patients were asking for occupational disease benefits. Based on Labor Insurance Statistic data, the occupational injury and disease compensation cost over NT$ 7 billion each year. However, limited labor inspection resources, 449 inspectors which equal to 40 labor inspection resources per million labors, were far behind ILO’s recommendation – 70 labor inspection resources per million workforces. Therefore, to develop Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Consulting Industry somehow may lessen to labor inspection agency’s loading and increase the performance of workplace safety and health - reduce the frequency of occupational accidents and diseases. This study cited the literatures concerning health and safety consultant industry among Taiwan, Japan, United States, and United Kingdoms, which including management system, services, market size, human resources and business overview. With literature review, the occupational safety and health consultation system questionnaire was developed. Two phase validity analyses were conducted by 31 experts. Then, a large-scaled questionnaire survey aim at different field expert was implemented. On the other hand, the preliminary result were collected, and done an in depth opinions interview and the consensus conclusion from focus group with several occupational health and safety expert The questionnaires distributed 203 copies, and received 147 feedbacks. The response rate was 72.41%. According the result, most of occupational safety and health experts in different fields give positive attitude / appraisal for the feasibility and effectiveness of occupational safety and health consultation industry. Over restrictions by authority of jurisdiction were not recommended in early stage. Internet registry platform for occupational safety and health consultant services provider and enterprise would benefit this industry development. This thesis not only described the current status of health and safety consultant industry in several developed countries, but completed human resources investigation for this industry. Furthermore, the common consensuses and recommendations from the different expertise experts were compiled, which including the consultancy system feasibility, business opportunity, scope, terms, professional certification , responsibility, accreditation procedure etc. We looking forward professional resources could prevent occupational injury and disease, and risen our health and safety consultancy industry development..


吳姵穎:我國職業安全衛生績效指標之調查研究 國立台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所碩士學位論文,2008
AIHA, Special Interest Group: Consult SIG, 2012 ; http://www.aiha.org/insideaiha/SIG/Pages/ConsultSIG.aspx
BCSP, Certified Safety Professional, 2012 ; http://www.bcsp.org/csp
