  • 學位論文

不同脈絡中的歷史文本之自動分析 以《資治通鑑》、《冊府元龜》及《正史》為例

Automatic contextual analysis of historical classics: Using "Comprehensive Mirror", "Grand Tortoise" and "Standard Histories" as an example

指導教授 : 項潔


在中國浩瀚的歷史中,對於同一件事情,會有很多不同的史書作記錄,而歷史學者為了釐清事實的原貌,會針對自己研究的題目,窮一生之精力收集所有相關的資料,務求可以閱讀到所有相關的記錄。但是人的時間是有限的,本研究目的是以資訊技術,以快速的方法建立跨文本之間文字段落的相關性,節省學者尋找比對資料的時間。   本論文以《資治通鑑》、《通鑑紀事本末》、《冊府元龜》及正史為例,此四部書分別代表了在中國史學上四種不同的體裁,分別是以「人」為主體的紀傳體、以「時」為主體的編年體、以「事」為主體的紀事本末體及具有獨特「知識架構」的類書體。而且都是由上古記載至五代的史書,涵蓋時間一致,不過由於編寫的體裁不一樣,所以內容也有相異之處,這幾本都是涵蓋長時間的歷史記載,非常適合作為本次研究的文本。   本研究試圖通過自動的方法,先擷取出文本中的關鍵字,再利用這些關鍵字找出書跟書之間文字段落的關係,當這些關係經確立後,可以通過各書間彼此交錯的相關度,找出《資治通鑑》與《冊府元龜》引用正史,與《通鑑紀事本末》引用《資治通鑑》的情況,進而嘗試探討《資治通鑑》、《通鑑紀事本末》和《冊府元龜》的編輯方法。   最後建立資訊系統,希望通過文字和圖像化的呈現,提供給歷史學者對自己有興趣的題目作進一步的研究,既可以節省尋找及比對資料的時間,更可以得到較完整的資料。


In Chinese history, the same event may be recorded in different historical documents. In order to check the facts, a historian may need to spend a life time collecting all the relevant documents of interest. This thesis proposes an automated method to establish textual relationship between texts in different documents. The textual records used in this thesis are Zizhi Tongjian (資治通鑑, Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government), Tongjian Jishi Benmo (通鑑紀事本末, Narratives from Beginning to End in Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government), Cefu Yuangui (冊府元龜, Grand Tortoise in the Imperial Treasury of Books) and Zhengshi (正史, Standard Histories). These four classics are among the most important achievements of Chinese historiography. Although all four classics cover the same time from the beginning of recorded Chinese history to Wudai period (五代, 907-979), they are edited according to different formats and thus record the same event in different ways. They are suitable texts for this study because all they are general Chinese history books covering a long period. The method proposed in this thesis first extracts the keywords in the texts, then discovers the relationship between two paragraphs through common keywords. These relations are then used to find texts in the Mirror and the Grand Tortoise that are from the Standard History, which allows us to take a glimpse at the editing methodologies of the two books. We have built a retrieval system that presents both textual comparisons and graphical representation. Through our system, we hope to provide a way for scholars to find relations among different historical classics and thus shorten the process of finding and comparing text.


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