  • 學位論文


A Study on the Co-opetition and Business Models of the Advertising Agency Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


廣告是經濟發展和商品服務銷售成功的重要推手,廣告代理商是企劃和執行廣告活動的專業服務提供商。近年來廣告代理商隨廣告主的需求而不斷地成長和提供多元化服務,成為現代社會不可或缺的重要商業服務業。台灣的綜合廣告代理商自民國六十年代開始快速發展,近十年來,因為外資廣告集團的進入市場和「媒體集中購買」概念的出現,使得廣告代理商的組織和服務發生了結構性變化,這個變革使得原本的綜合廣告代理商從工作模式、商業模式到獲利結構都有了巨大的改變。本研究的目的是為了探求這些變革的成因和廣告代理商的應對策略。 本研究以實際產業數據為基礎,從產業發展史、產業環境、產業結構、廠商數量、組織與經營規模、商業模式及獲利模式等構面做分析。再運用「競合理論」和「商業模式」等理論,進行詳細的產業與競合結構分析,思考在這產業環境中的,未來廣告代理商有競爭力的新組織架構、策略和商業模式。 本研究認為從競合理論中的「取捨交易」的運用,在廣告代理商內重新建置「媒體企劃」的部門,將廣告代理商轉型為「整合服務廣告商」,透過重建媒體企劃的服務項目,一來使得廣告代理商在「策略企劃」、「創意企劃」和「媒體企劃」的核心服務能夠完整,提供廣告主更好的廣告整合效益。二來協助廣告主客觀評估媒體公司購買效益,協助導入新媒體(如行動媒體和網路媒體)的創意運用,和對整合其他行銷傳播活動上做出更大的貢獻,提高廣告代理商對客戶的附加價值。 本研究提出的新「整合廣告服務商」的商業模式,可以和現有媒體購買公司做更好搭配。「整合廣告服務商」以「企劃�創意�整合」做為提供客戶的核心價值主張,而媒體服務公司則專注於媒體採購,以媒體成本管控及精準執行做為客戶價值主張。


Advertising agencies are the professional service providers to plan and to implement advertising campaigns. By fulfilling clients’ requirements, advertising has been an important driver to the business growth of product/service and therefore the development of the economy. And, advertising agencies have become one of major commercial service providers in the modern society. The advertising agency industry in Taiwan started developing since 1970s. In the recent decade, as global advertising communication groups entered into the market and the concept of “media central buying” emerged, the industry structure of the advertising agency has been transfromed significantly. Such transformation changed the working model, business model, and revenue structure of advertising agencies. The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons underlying these changes and to discuss potential evolution of new business models of an advertising agency. Based on industry statistics, archival data, and theories of co-opetiton and business model, we perform a series of comprehensive industrial and co-opetional analyses, from which processes we then propose a new perspective of business model formation for the advertising agencies of the future. Overall speaking, this study suggests that advertising agencies resume setting up the division of media planning, and transform themselves to be an “Integrated Advertising Service Provider (IASP)”. With such model change, on the one hand, the adverting agency is able to provide integrated service of the “strategic planning”, “creative planning” and “media planning”, which enables the synergy among three core adverting services. On the other hand, the IASP can help clients to better utilize new media and to coordinate clients’ marketing communication activities, which raises the additional value of the advertising agency to the clients. The ISAP can also cooperate with media buying agencies better by integrating value propositions of planning, creativity, service integration with excellent media expenditure control and the precise media execution.


Adverting Agency Value Net Co-opetion Business Model


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