  • 學位論文


A Study on the Application of Simplified Appraisal Model for the Revaluation of Bank's Residential Mortgage Collateral

指導教授 : 林修葳




Real Estate Appraisal is typically a tedious and time-consuming task. Generally, for a new loan application or a request for the increase of a credit line, bank will look for an external professional property appraiser. As to the revaluation of existing mortgage collaterals, with thousands of existing real estate collaterals, substantial efforts may be required to complete the task. Outsourcing the task or valuating each individual property manually become infeasible. The purpose of this study is to investigate a simplified property valuation model, providing certain economically viable solutions to automate the revaluation process for the large number of residential real estates and to establish a checking system to ensure the quality of the revaluation processes. Revaluation of real estate property is crucial in bank loan operation and collateral management. If a bank effectively measures the collateral value and price, it may better control the relevant risk and in turn, enhance soundness and stability of the financial system and the overall economic environment. While real estate prices related information may also be used to help assess future industry trends in the real estate market.


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