  • 學位論文

台灣電腦DIY組裝產業之商業模式與轉變 以某電腦公司為例

A Study on Computer DIY Business Model and Transformation A case study of one computer company

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 博士


台灣電腦DIY組裝產業在2011年約佔有5,200億元新台幣年產值,這已經是扣除了台灣產業所無法提供的CPU、晶片組、硬碟機以及作業系統的價值。其餘的,幾乎是100%由台灣的廠商所佔有。電腦DIY組裝產業由25年前到現在已經過多次的競爭與取代的交替過程,如在80年代品牌產品的低價攻擊,90年代筆記型電腦在商用及家用的突破,電腦DIY組裝產業都在策略、產品及通路佈局上做了多次的調整。而在目前,由於智慧手機、平板電腦、AIO系統等,以及Android 及ARM 等非Wintel主流的產品日益成熟的趨勢下,個人電腦DIY組裝產業勢必要因應新的環境來做調整以利永續經營。本研究將探討個人電腦DIY產業在70年代至今之所以成功的關鍵因素與該產業的獨特性,同時也將討論因應未來個人電腦在技術與應用上的趨勢,現有DIY產業轉變的可能方向。 本論文是以馬克.強生(Mark Johnson)商業模式的四大分析及六力分析(改良波特五力分析)作為主要研究架構,再以陳明哲教授動態競爭以及Adam M. Brandenburger與Barry J. Nalebuff 的競合理論針對個人電腦DIY組裝產業與品牌系統競爭做深入分析,並以核心競爭力及關鍵成功因素分析來研究國內個人電腦DIY組裝市場的產業的強項以及未來可能發展的趨勢,同時利用BCG波士頓矩陣來分析人電腦DIY組裝產業目前的定位與適用的策略。 其結論有(一)我國個人電腦之所以多元且蓬勃發展乃在於PC開放式的架構。(二)個人電腦的設計技術如同Intel 戈登摩爾(Gordon Moore)在1975年預估晶片內部電晶體的數量每兩年會增加一倍,其效力一直延續至今。摩爾定律亦預估成本將持續下降。內含矽晶片的元件與平台組件的效能不斷提升,但成本卻快速下降的趨勢,使得產品推陳出新的速度達到一年一更新,在產業快速翻轉的需求下,台灣企業的快速應變特質完全符合這樣的需求,也使得其他國家在個人電腦發展的速度上逐漸落後而漸漸被淘汰。(三)由於消費者在使用面上的需求,對於現有過高的計算能力已經顯露出飽和的疲態,消費者對於硬體更新的需求降低。(四)由於IC 製造的能力與精密程度大幅提昇,SOC的技術大幅進步,功能的整合度高,DIY 產品設計的差異化大幅減少,廠商逐漸以價格來做為爭取市佔的唯一武器。(五)由於NB,PAD,Smartphone 的快速崛起改變了原有個人電腦的生態,個人電腦的替代品很多,DIY 產業需要重新定位。(六)產業重新定位過程中,如何轉型與併購成為個人電腦產業的主要話題,而競合效應將是接下來產業可預期的現象。如何有效轉變與合整將是此研究之主要討論議題。


The revenue of Taiwan PC DIY market was 520 billion NTD in 2011, excluding components not produced locally such as CPUs, chipsets, hard drives, and operating systems. The PC DIY market has been transformed many times from the past 25 years, such as the impact from low-priced brand desktop systems in 1990 to the penetration and replacement by Notebook PCs from the year 2000. The PC DIY industry has modified its product strategies and channels due to those impacts and now the PC DIY industry is facing more serious challenges from smartphones, PADs, and AIO products. In addition, ARM and Android creates a new war against the old Wintel platform on PCs. To help the PC DIY business survive or even keep it growing, this research will analyze the DIY business model from 1980 to now and find out its key success factors of this unique business, and give some suggestions based on current environmental factors and competitions. This research is based on 'Seizing the White Space' (Mark Johnson) and 'six forces analysis' (refined from 'Porter's five forces analysis'), we also use 'Dynamic Competition' (Chen) and 'Co-Opetition' (Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff) to study the competition from DIY and brand PC systems. We also use 'KSF' (Key Success Factor) and 'Core Competence' to analyze the strength of the PC DIY business and to find possible strategies for the future. And also use the BCG model to define the current PC DIY business and its position. To summarize: (1) The open architecture of PCs helps the industry grow and give good opportunities for DIY business. (2) PC technology is maintaining fast growth as Gordon Moore's rule stated in 1975 which predicted transistor counts will double every two years and continue this trend for decades. The high speed of technology development and silicon cost cutting creates a fast transition of PCs which is perfect to the Taiwan business model and will push out competitors from the other countries. (3) Due to new technologies, the entry computer already has enough power to run most applications, which makes users less willing to upgrade their PCs. (4) Due to the high capacity integration of ICs, more and more PC functions are integrated into one SOC, which makes most PCs without product differentiation. Therefore, price is the best weapon for those PC companies who want to take the market. (5) PC DIY industry needs to be repositioned since Notebook PCs, PADs, and smartphones have already changed the behavior of how people use information. (6) During the repositioning of the PC DIY industry, we should be able to see more and more companies making transformations, M&A or Co-Opetition to adopt the changes from all industries.


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