  • 學位論文


hydroponic production of baby leaf lettuce in plant factory

指導教授 : 方煒


嫩葉又稱為baby leaf,具有較短生長週期、較高產能並且免煮即食的特性,因此在歐、美與亞洲各國都非常受到歡迎,由於嫩葉的生產必須具有免煮即食的特性,必須具備很高的生產衛生條件,因此非常適合在植物工廠內進行栽培與生產。 本研究的主旨為利用水耕的方式在植物工廠中建立高產能與低栽培成本的嫩葉栽培模式。涉及之調整參數包括: 光量、密度、養液、栽培模式與施肥時機等。首先要探討的是嫩葉栽培之最適光量,由實驗結果得知,當光源與作物基部距離為15cm,使用四支T5冷白螢光燈管,光量為210μmol/m2/s下栽培,具有最高產能與最低之補光成本。其次,探討嫩葉最適栽培密度,結果顯示,當栽培密度為1600 株/m2 (相當於栽培間距為2.5cm)時,可兼具賣相與產能。其三,在三種不同養液配方栽培下,產能方面並沒有顯著差異,但是由於N1養液成本相對較低,因此選用N1養液進行栽培。由不同光源實驗結果顯示,在不同光源下栽培,光量是影響產能的重要因素,並與產能成正比,其次才是光質。由栽培模式實驗結果顯示,使用噴霧耕循環與DFT循環可比打氣式產能分別增加13%與11%。由施肥時機實驗結果顯示,施肥時機越早可提高產能,但是也造成了作物硝酸鹽濃度增加。


植物工廠 萵苣 嫩葉


Baby leaf has many features which like short growth cycle, much more yield and ready to eat, so it gets increasingly popular in America, Europe and Taiwan. Among those features, clean is more important for “ready to eat”. So baby leaf is a potential crop for plant factory with artificial light only (PFwAL). The focus of this study is to investigate on suitable combinations of parameters for the production of hydroponic baby leaf in PFwAL aiming at maximizing the annual yield per unit area and remain low in light cost. Parameters involves in the study include light intensity, plant density, type of nutrient solution, irrigation type and time to apply fertilizer. Firstly, the results of investigation appeal that the best light intensity is 210 μmol/m2/s with cold white T5 Fluorescent lamp. Secondly, when the plant density is 1600 seeds/m2, there is the highest yield and in line with market appearance. Thirdly, there is no significantly different in yield, vitamin C and nitrate content between three nutrient solutions. The light intensity is greater impact on yield than light quality, and it is in proportional to yield. The yield increased by 13% and 11% by with aeroponics cycle and DFT cycle, respectively, compared to those with steady type. In the apply fertilizer time experiment, the yield can be increased by apply fertilizer early. But the nitrate content can be increased also.


plant factory lettuce baby leaf


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