  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Competitive Advantages of A Medium Scale Taiwanese Electronic Company with MBNQA Structure

指導教授 : 黃崇興


本研究目的期望能從一個以代工形態爲主的中小型電子公司決定要做公司轉型開始,首先思考臺灣的中小型電子製造業,發展停滯的經營問題 ,再來探討如何提升中小型電子製造業的企業競爭力。本研究以美國國家品質獎卓越績效評審標準(2011-2012 Criteria for Performance Excellence)的框架, 深入剖析該企業所面臨的經營困境, 抽絲剝繭找出問題癥結,重新擬定策略,提升公司的競爭力。為其他類似處境的中小型電子製造業,提供一個有效的參考依據,進而影響到整個產業,提升產業競爭力。 由於台灣電子製造業的技術,已趨成熟且根基穩定,具有全球化的競爭力;且加上本身多年的電子產業管理製造經驗,比較能熟悉電子業的運作及產品原理;一者更期望能開拓企業的視野,二者也期望能由學理文獻上的參考學習及整理彙整,配合實務的經驗的融入,建構出中小型電子製造業在進行產業轉型的關鍵成功因素,作為同業的一些參考 。 由於代工產業主要是以客戶設計的既有產品爲主,爲了要滿足客戶快速反應和成本降價的需求,大多數中小型電子厰商的生産流程精簡有效率,組織也多偏向生産和品質管理。不論是董事會、既有的高階主管、技術人員或是業務人員甚少關注市場的應用,也難以判斷市場走向。公司的制度和運營流程對新的事業體系都是需要克服的難題,要從内部轉型並不容易,需要從董事會開始,下定決心,破釜成舟進行本質上的調整。投入適當的資源在市場上尋求真正有經驗的專業經理人,建構合適的團隊,從思維、流程、行銷、發展策略一一進行調整或是重新訂定。或是借助外部的力量來進行,透過併購或是策略聯盟其他選定夥伴在公司外部先進行運作,待時機成熟在選擇直接合併或是行政合併。


This study attempts to figure out, for a company competing in providing manufacturing service, having any strategies to proceed a business transformation. Our first point is aimed to what caused this stagnancy is an issue for us to ponder over. Then discuss how to promote the competitiveness of Taiwanese electric manufacturing industry. This research uses this study, based on the United States National Quality Award for performance excellence criteria (2012-2013) of indicators, thereby experiencing the practices, potential difficulties and relevant solutions. Following is exploring the key factors of the transforming frame by means of theoretical discussion among those successful models, further to strictly execute, physically meeting client’s demands, settling their problems, exhibiting their values, ultimately enjoying the high profits of done reforming. What is important is for those entrepreneurs to perceive in advance to catch the right timing of reform, putting hard efforts, lasting for a period of time, in order to obtain remarkable achievement. Since the technology of Taiwanese electric manufacturing industry is reaching its mature stage with stable background and competitive capability worldwide, further, I’m familiar with the operation and product development with years of manufacturing experience. There are two advantages to mention: the first is enlarging prospects of enterprises, the second shall be the perfect integration between literature reference and practical experience, thereby reducing the hard work and promoting the possibility of success in the course of reforming.


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