  • 學位論文

建構高精度數位影像相關法並應用於土木結構動態系統及 奈米材料微系統的變形量測

Application of the Digital Image Correlation Technique in Civil Structure and Nanomaterial Deformation Problems

指導教授 : 馬劍清


本論文應用實驗室團隊自行研發及撰寫相關程式之數位影像相關法(Digital Image Correlation, DIC)量測技術,進行跨尺度及跨領域實驗量測,實驗針對傳統感測器難以精密定量量測的問題,驗證所開發的DIC技術之精確度與其優越性。所謂DIC是一種影像處理技術,可提供非接觸式與全域式量測,其優勢為量測儀器十分簡便,僅需使用相機(靜態問題)或錄影機(動態問題)紀錄影像,並透過自行開發的DIC核心技術進行影像處理,藉由追蹤待測物表面特徵值獲得試體位移與變形資訊,其量測擁有高精確度,利用核心演算可獲得待測物體的全域位移場u1、u2以及應變場ɛ11、ɛ22、ɛ12,可完整呈現結構體的變形特性。相較於市售的數位影像相關技術套裝模組,本論文使用的量測技術擁有較高的應用彈性空間,可進行跨尺度與跨領域的量測與應用。 隨著光學儀器與感光元件性能的提升,DIC技術擁有高空間與時間解析度的潛力,搭配高效能電腦之快速發展,使後端運算處理效率大幅增加,可快速獲得量測結果。本論文使用數位影像處理系統,進行不同尺度之精密量測,實驗包含機械手臂軌跡追蹤、土木結構動態量測、材料之微奈米等級變形量測、懸臂梁準靜態位移及應變量測以及碳纖維材料拉伸試驗,針對不同特性的問題搭配合適的影像擷取設備,以提高量測結果之空間與時間解析度,進行高精密量測應用,並與NDI certus HD光學感測儀、應變規、壓印試驗機輸出量測結果互相對照,以驗證DIC量測技術之準確性與可靠性。


This paper uses Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique developed in our laboratory to measure the deformation of solids and structures for multi-scale and multi-field problems. DIC is a non-contact and full-field measurement technique. The advantage of DIC is the simplicity of experiment setup. Recording the images of the deformation of object, DIC has ability to measure displacement and strain fields through self-developed image processing technique. Using high-speed camera for dynamic problem, the issue of sub-micron problem can also be measured by the use of high-resolution microscope. The measurement of deformation in civil engineering and material science are important applications and are presented in the paper. The trajectory analysis of robotic arm, quasi-static deformation of cantilever beam and the deformation of carbon fiber material related to mechanical engineering are also investigated. The results obtained from the DIC method are compared with that obtained by other experimental techniques.


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