  • 學位論文


Health Risk Assessment of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in Taiwan

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


健康風險評估(Health Risk Assessment)在環境管理領域中是重要且應用廣泛的學門,當中探討並量化汙染物對受體所造成的風險程度。健康風險評估流程中主要分為四個評估步驟:危害性鑑定、劑量反應評估、暴露評估及風險特徵闡述。 細懸浮微粒(Fine Particulate Matter,簡稱PM2.5)的環境衝擊與人體健康危害日漸受到關注。PM2.5暴露可誘發多種呼吸道疾病、急性肺功能反應及心肺疾病,甚至可導致死亡。世界衛生組織已將大氣懸浮微粒列為具有確切致癌性之第一級(Group 1)致癌物。 PM2.5係指氣動粒徑小於等於2.5微米的大氣懸浮微粒,其成分眾多,包括元素碳、有機碳、硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽、銨鹽、多種金屬與非金屬、多環芳香族化合物等。對於PM2.5這類具有混合物性質的污染物而言,現有文獻對其健康風險之探究存有不同闡釋觀點與評估方法。當中研究包括流行病學人口調查、PM2.5化學成分風險鑑定及使用其他物質毒理參數等。 本研究中以PM2.5健康風險評估之方法學研究為出發點,評比各方法在不同面向之差異,分析各情況下適用之方法,並回饋應用面建議。當中首先探討現有PM2.5之健康風險評估方式、彙整文獻上不同類型方法、探討各方法的原理和應用程度,並分析各方法之差異點、優缺點和適用範圍。此外,本研究收集全台灣現有的PM2.5化學成分分析數據,篩選出具有毒理參數的化學成分,設立暴露情境進行台灣本土PM2.5化學成分的定量風險評估。最後總結上述各結果,提供更細緻之管理考量與研擬建議。 本研究結果發現本土PM2.5化學成分風險多數均呈現高風險情形,需給予必要正視。建議未來可對PM2.5化學成分風險採取適當措施、擴增台灣現有PM2.5化學成分監測項目,以及持續監測PM2.5化學物種長期含量變化趨勢。


Health risk assessment is a vastly applied subject in the field of environmental management. It can be described as a process to estimate the nature and probability of adverse health effects of the receptors. There are four main steps in health risk assessment: hazard identification, dose response assessment, exposure assessment and risk characterization, Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is a widely studied air pollutant in environmental research. There are many studies that pointed out the association between PM2.5 exposure and several health endpoints, including a variety of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and even to cause death. The WHO has classified it as Group 1 carcinogen. The United Steates is the first country to establish the regulatory standards for PM2.5. PM2.5 is an air pollutant which is in particulate form, its chemical speciation is quite complicated, consists of elemental carbon, organic carbon, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, heavy metals, PAHs and else. Differs from simple chemical hazards, its complicated characteristic makes it harder to evaluate the risk of PM2.5. To date, there are several different risk assessment methods of this pollutant, and there is a need to put all these approaches in discussion in order to make a better understanding, to achieve the discrepancies among them, and finally to establish conclusions and recommendations as the feedback to regulatory considerations. In this study, all available risk assessment methods of PM2.5 were collected and discussed. The details of these approaches and the discrepancies among them were provided. Furthermore, a risk assessment study of the chemical species of PM2.5 was performed. Finally, several conclusions and recommendations were given in order to provide some insight for decision makers.


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ATSDR, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. US Public Health Service.


