  • 學位論文


Analysis of surface deformation of the Longitudinal Valley Fault in Rueisui to Chishang segment by PS-InSAR method

指導教授 : 胡植慶


台灣東部縱谷地區位於菲律賓海板塊與歐亞板塊的碰撞縫合帶,縱谷斷層為其中最主要的活動構造,地震活動頻繁,並伴隨著明顯的震間潛移行為,本研究利用永久散射體合成孔徑雷達干涉技術(Persistent Scatters SAR Interferometry, PS-InSAR) 觀測瑞穗至池上地區的地表變形活動,雷達影像涵蓋的測量範圍較為全面與廣泛,可彌補有限的GPS測站數量或是節省水準測量所需耗費的時間金錢成本。本研究使用ALOS衛星影像於2007年至2010年拍攝L波段雷達影像,利用StaMPS方法流程移除軌道、地形與大氣所貢獻的相位誤差,最後獲得89800個平均視衛星方向 (Line of sight, LOS) 速度場資料點,對縱谷地區的變形提供了更連續性的觀測視野。資料結果顯示縱谷斷層各個斷層區段 (Fault segment) 具備不同的地表變形特性,研究區域內池上斷層沿線皆具備明顯潛移特性,變形狹長且集中於斷層跡線兩側,有20-35 mm/yr不等的視衛星方向速率落差,越往南側抬升越劇烈;潛移行為往北至瑞穗地區便快速消散,變形行為轉變為瑞穗斷層與奇美斷層之間有相對於縱谷平原有約8-10 mm/yr視衛星方向速率緩慢抬升;而玉里斷層與嶺頂斷層於2007年至2010年則無明顯間震滑移速率相對變化。由PS-InSAR視衛星方向速度場比對全球定位系統 (GPS) 與精密水準監測成果,變形結果呈現出相同的趨勢,顯示本研究成果具備一定的可靠性;由光達數值地形判釋出近斷層活動地形特徵與斷層潛移前緣地理位置比較,地表變形分布推測出斷層跡位置與高確實度的活動地形特徵分布結果相當吻合,且對於構造線形不明顯的地區提供了斷層跡延伸位置的線索;由地質與地震資料剖面檢視地表變形特性,除了應力上的差異外,斷層的上、下盤岩性強度也會加強或降低斷層的地表潛移表現,另池上斷層的地表變形行為觀測到與地震活動度有相關性,若地震數量愈多、震源分布深度愈淺,池上斷層所觀測到的地表變形速率會更劇烈。


Longitudinal Valley of eastern Taiwan is considered as a collision boundary between Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate. Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF) is one of most significant structure which has been undergoing rapid creeping motion. This study presents an observation of the surface deformation from Rueisui to Chishang by using Persistent Scatters SAR Interferometry technique (PS-InSAR). Radar interferometry is now a well-established technique for monitoring regional active deformation. GPS and leveling survey have been useful tools for measuring surface deformation; however the density of stations were relatively sparse and costly. We use StaMPS approach to remove the errors contributed by orbital, topographic and atmospheric effects to obtain mean deformation rate along radar line-of-sight (LOS) by ALOS L-band SAR images from 2007 to 2010. According to PS-InSAR result, a sharp gradient of 20-35 mm/yr along the LOS across the Chishang Fault is observed. For the Rueisui segment, a gradient of 8-10 mm/yr along the LOS between Rueisui Fault and Chimei Fault area relative to Longitudinal plain. In addition insignificant interseismic deformation change across both the Yuli fault and the Linding fault, implying creeping behavior disappeared in the northern segment of the LVF. In this study, the precise leveling and GPS measurements were also applied. The deformation trend was quite consistent, which shows that our result is reliable and with highly accuracy. Comparing with LiDAR morphotectonic analysis, the deformation front not only shows reasonable spatial distribution with the geomorphic feature, but also provides a clue for tracing the fault line position in the sediment-covered area. According to the geological and earthquake profile, the strength of lithology of the hanging wall and footwall might affect the creeping rate besides strain; and underground seismicity and earthquakes depth were associated with surface deformation behavior along the Chishang Fault.


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