  • 學位論文


The Impacts of US Quantitative Easing Policy on Taiwan Economy

指導教授 : 林建甫


美聯儲會自2008年實行量化寬鬆貨幣政策(QE),創造美國貨幣基數大幅度增加並維持聯邦資金利率接近零的超低水準,使得美元匯率走弱,國際資金紛紛流向新興市場,各國央行採取因應作為,以降低利率和增加貨幣供給總量,也藉此刺激經濟衰退現象。台灣屬於小型開放經濟體,在這波金融危機與各國央行採行寬鬆貨幣政策的浪潮中無法置身於外,各項經濟數據與金融市場的表現皆深受影響。然而美國QE政策在2014年逐步退場,並且預期隔年將有可能進行升息,故本研究著重探討,後續是否對台灣總體經濟產生反向衝擊的影響。 本文以大型總體計量模型的架構,建立台灣總體經濟計量模型,樣本期間為1997年第二季至2013年第三季,以87條方程式(35條定義式與52條估計式),預測美聯儲與台灣央行的貨幣政策立場保持目前情況不變下,台灣2014年至2016年的經濟成長率分別為2.46%、4.04%、4.75%。 接著利用情境分析模擬美國QE政策完全退場與進入升息循環的情況,發現僅就QE退場而言,惟股價指數明顯下跌約1.3%,對我國總體經濟實質變數產生的衝擊不大。此外,當美國進入升息循環的情況下,透過台幣匯率的貶值帶動淨出口金額增加,將對我國經濟成長的表現略有正面影響,但同時亦不利股價指數及債市成交總量,且發現若美聯儲採取升息的步調愈緊湊,其影響程度愈大。此可說明市場投資人擔憂的是美國QE政策完全退場且開始升息,我國股市在資金行情撤離的預期下,存在雙重負面衝擊的隱憂。


Federal Reserve has implemented quantitative easing policies since 2008, making the US monetary base increase in a large scale and federal funds rate maintain the ultra-low level until the labor market improves. With correspondingly weakening of the US dollar, it stimulated capital outflows to emerging economies. For Taiwan, a small open economy, lots of numbers in financial markets have been deeply affected by global trends. However, fed employ QE tapering in 2014 and is likely to raise funds rate at some point in 2015. Therefore, the analysis focuses on the following problems that the end of QE and raising funds rate may cause. This paper was based on large-scale simultaneous equation macroeconometric models to establish the macroeconomic model of Taiwan. It predict Taiwan GDP growth rate will be 2.46%、4.04%、4.75% from 2014 to 2016 respectively if Federal Reserve and Taiwan central bank continue their monetary policies attitudes invariant. Moreover, the paper used scenario analysis to simulate the end of QE and funds rate raised by Fed. We find that if fed stops QE, apparently only Taiwan stock index plunged 1.3% or so. And if fed begins to raise funds rate, Taiwan’s net export will increase due to NTD exchange rate depreciation, which generate slight positive effects on Taiwan’s economic growth, yet goes against the stock market index and total volume of the bond market. We also find that if Feds takes a tight hike in funds rate, it will have greater influence on Taiwan economy. This can also explain what the domestic investors mainly worry about are the negative shocks after the end of QE and funds rate beginning to rise. There are definitely some hidden worries showing in the stock markets with expectations of the withdrawal of capital flows.


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