  • 學位論文


Empirical Study on the Application of Financial Analysis to Taiwan Stock Market

指導教授 : 邱顯比


大部分實證發現,長期而言,股價確實能反映公司基本面,即使短期股價會受到市場雜訊干擾。經由財務報表分析,可對企業過去的財務狀況和營業成果加以評估,並預測其未來的獲利能力和經營績效,為投資人的決策提供適當的基礎。 本研究以1991年至2005年上市公司為樣本,透過逐步迴歸分析,檢測學界與業界具代表性的專家所重視的年度財報指標,是否與財報公布後之報酬具顯著相關性,並依此建立投資組合,於2006年至2013年驗證模型之預測能力,進而了解哪些指標具有資訊內涵以及市場效率性。實證結果發現,不同的產業具不同的顯著財務指標: 1. 整體公司:就1個月的短期投資而言,買進高本益比、高每股盈餘年增率、高股東權益報酬率的股票,平均月超額報酬率達0.97%;就投資期間1年而言,買進低市價淨值比、高股東權益報酬率的股票,平均年超額報酬率達1.15%。 2. 電子類股:就1個月的短期投資而言,買進高每股盈餘年增率、高股東權益報酬率的股票,平均月超額報酬率達1.53%,為本研究建構之所有投資組合中,績效最佳者;就投資期間1年而言,買進低市價銷貨比、高股票殖利率、高股東權益報酬的股票,平均年超額報酬率1.65%,超額報酬未明顯高於1個月的模型許多,可能因1年的持有期間仍不夠長,價值型投資的效益尚未完全顯現。 3. 金融保險類股:短期投資而言,不具顯著與報酬相關之財報指標;就投資期間1年而言,所選取之財務指標對股票報酬不具預測性。


The financial statement analysis is always an important reference resource for making investment decisions. Hence, transforming the data in financial statements into useful information is a critical issue. We examine the profitability of a trading strategy which is based on “Stepwise Regression Procedure” designed to predict stock returns from accounting ratios with holding period of 1 month, 6 months and 1 year. This study finds that different industries as sample data have different financial ratios relevant to stock returns. Over the 1991-2005 period, we find significant positive relation between 2 financial ratios and stock returns by using electronic industry as sample data. It produces highest average monthly excess return (1.53%) in April of 2006-2013 by holding stock with high EPS growth rate and ROE. On the contrary, there are either no significant results or no excess return with different holding period in finance industry.


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