  • 學位論文


A Study on the Strategy and Business Model of New Agricultural Technology via Cross-Industrial Integration

指導教授 : 李吉仁


受到人口增長,地球環境變遷與汙染的影響下,農業的供給與需求在可預見的未來將會產生巨大的矛盾,也成為人類社會未來發展的隱患之一,而現有農業的生產技術,資源利用,運銷體系都存在許多低效率的現象,如何利用科技促使農業轉型升級,成為一個廣受重視的議題。但除了技術面的提升,新科技的加入亦將改變既有的商業模式而加速市場的接受程度。 本研究針對植物工場能否作為新興農業科技發展的可行選項,進行深度的分析探討。尤其植物供場目前的生產成本偏高,市場接受度相對較低,除需持續不斷地降低成本外,商業模式創新與發展策略的調整,或可加速此一技術的市場接受度。 本研究分析植物工場產業與既有生鮮蔬菜生產運銷體系,並透過產業分析與歸納整理,探討不同的商業模式與策略發展,發現在趨近完全競爭市場的生鮮蔬菜產銷市場結構中,植物工廠業者很難取得利潤來攤提初期建置的高昂成本。因此,本研究提出兩種可行模式,一種係透過精簡運銷層級,進行前向垂直整合,與消費者直接溝通,以建立商品獨特價值;同時,與互補性高的業者合作形成價值網,有機會透過技術研發降低成本,取得產業發展的契機。另一種選擇則是選擇發展替代型作物的利基型植物工場系統,放眼全球具有可以植物工場替代的作物與區域,發展系統品牌的商業模式。


Due to the impact of population growth, climate change and environment pollution, there will be a significant gap between the supply and demand of agriculture in the near future. It will then become a source of potential conflict in human society. The efficiency of current cultivation technologies, resources utilization and sales system of agriculture are still low. While this issue has been well recognized, however, effective implementation of new technology to upgrade the agriculture is far behind desired result. It is not just the technology issue but also the business model to accelerate the market acceptance. This thesis focuses on plant factory as a choice of of new technology to upgrade the existing agriculture supply system. While the current production cost is too high stimulate sufficient market acceptance and cost reduction, designing and implementing right business modes would be critical to future industry development. This study first analyzes the current industry landscape of the existing vegetable market and sees if the plant factory can provide new added value. However, the current market reveals a high degree of perfect competition, which makes a profitable entry of plant factory very difficult. We propose two directions of entry for the plant factory. One is to consider reducing layers of distribution and going directly to the end product market so that value creation of technology can be realized through differentiation marketing. Besides, vendors have to form alliance with others who have complementary competence as value net partners to enhance the value offered and the achievement of scale economy. The other approach is to consider developing the replacement type plant factory to focus on the global market with niche value. Implications of these two approaches are also discussed.


網路電子文件:中央氣象局,2007,全球暖化與氣候變遷http://www.cwb.gov.tw/V7/climate/climate_info/backgrounds/backgrounds_2.html (accessed Jun. 25, 2014)
網路電子文件:方煒,2009,植物工廠,環控農業的相關應用實例http://www.ecaa.ntu.edu.tw/weifang/cea/CEA1-6-8.htm (accessed Apr. 25, 2014)
