  • 學位論文


An Online Lightweight Metadata Editing Tool

指導教授 : 項潔


近年來在科技的進步之下,數位典藏為歷史學者保存珍貴史料的重要方式,而數位典藏的方式係指將有保存價值之實體或非實體資料,透過數位化方式(攝影、掃描、影音拍攝、全文輸入等),並加上詮釋資料(Metadata)的描述,以數位檔案的形式儲存。 編寫Metadata是一項花費時間及人力的重要工作,對於Metadata的標註者來說,標註的方法有二,第一種方法為使用一獨立系統,獨立系統會特別針對某項計畫或某批性質相同的資料所設計,通常具有管理者易掌握工作進度之優點;而第二種方法為使用不依附系統的建檔方式,標註者邊看資料邊使用Excel來做Metadata標註。這兩種標註方式,前者會因為Metadata欄位設計缺乏彈性而只能針對某些類型的資料進行標註;後者則需要花費許多心思在建立資料與record的對應關係上。 有鑑於此,本研究特別思考如何在獨立系統與非獨立系統(Excel)之間取得平衡,取雙方之優點,並彌補雙方之缺點,進而開發出一套影像結合詮釋資料,並且在Metadata欄位設計上具有彈性的系統,透過方便的編輯模式和容易上手的操作流程,期許此系統能夠讓標註者在使用上更為流暢及便利。


Digital archives have become an important mean for preserving and using artifacts. In addition to converting an (analogue) object into digital form, an important aspect of digitization is to describe the object through metadata. Producing metadata is time-consuming and labor-intensive work. From a system point of view, there are usually two ways to create metadata for a collection. One is to use a stand-alone system that is designed for a specific collection of objects with the same metadata attributes. The other one is to use a general purpose system such as Excel that allows the user to create attributes on the fly. The drawback of the former is lack of flexibility if the attributes need to be modified, while it is usually difficult in the latter to link the metadata created with the digital objects. In this study we present a system that attempts to take advantage of the convenience from both sides while make up for their shortcomings. Our system allows a user to design her own metadata attributes, and provides a convenient editing mode and easy-to-use operating procedures. More importantly, it allows a natural way to link the metadata records with the digital objects that they are describing. We hope this system can provide the versatility and convenience that annotators of metadata need.


digital archives metadata editing tools


[8] Office Microsoft Excel支援的檔案格式,
[1] Wikipedia:數位典藏,
[2] 陳雪華,〈Metadata在電子圖書館所扮演的角色〉,《國立成功大學圖書館館刊 第三期》,p16-24,1999
[3] 陶希聖,〈做卡片的技巧〉,《食貨月刊》,復刊1-3,民國60年6月,p39-p40
[4] 史學導論第九講,
