  • 學位論文


Conversion of waste bamboo chopsticks to liquid fuel via hydrothermal treatment and solvent-assisted liquefaction with ethanol and isopropanol

指導教授 : 張慶源


隨著現代化的發展,人們對於化石燃料的需求越來越高,導致如石油這類的燃料正在日益減少,因此再生能源的發展是目前也是未來不可或缺的議題。其中生質物能源亦甚受重視,若原料來源是廢棄物的話則更具有發展的潛力。其原因之一是廢棄物再利用,可減少廢棄物的堆置;另一個原因是因為生質物主要以纖維素及木質纖維素為主。這類的物料可以產製生質酒精,或者以目前較新的技術應用水熱法液化生質物,產製液體燃料油。水熱法具有原料不須乾燥的優點,相當適合作為裂解生質物、藻類的方法。 本研究以水熱法技術液化廢棄竹筷,目標產物是液體油品。以310、340 ℃不同溫度、 0, 25, 50, 75, 85, 100% (v/v)不同的醇類添加比例、以及不同相的催化劑(同相、異相)探討其對固體產物(原始竹筷以及反應後殘渣)、液體產物、氣體產物以及目標產物油品的品質之影響。結果顯示於340 ℃、異丙醇添加比例75%、且添加5 wt.% 碳酸鉀,固體轉化率可達到88.09 wt.%,且油品的產率亦達到57.01 wt.%,整體效果優於比使用乙醇溶劑。而在此條件下進一步添加固相觸媒氧化鎳以及氫氣進行反應下,並沒有得到較好的效果。因此不建議氫氣直接加入水熱法系統,應該針對後續油品氫化加氫氣較適宜。 於溫度340 ℃、異丙醇添加比例為75 vol.%,及碳酸鉀添加量為5 wt.%的情況下,將得到的油品做模擬蒸餾與其他的油品做比較。結果顯示本研究所得到的油品,其碳數分布主要在C6-C16之間已經接近Jet-A-1航空用油,但其餘性質(如:黏滯度、熱值、極性)仍然不相近。因此所得的油品之外觀、黏滯度比較接近重油以及船舶用油。此油品可進一步加以氫化,提升其品質以接近航空用油。


Along with ther rapid development, the demand of fossil fuels such as oil is increases greatly, resulting in a gradual shortage of fossil fuel reserves.Therefore, the exploitation of renewable energies such as bio-energies becomes increasingly important and this issue is indispensable. Among them, biomass has attracted wide attention because of its high availability. Moreover, if the resource comes from waste, then its potential for producing the bio-energy would increase but also the reuse of yield of waste biomass not only reduces the need of raw biomass and serves a way to the bio-fuel. Further, the biomass is mainly made of cellulose and lignin. It can used to produce bio-ethanol via fermentation. Recently, a newly developed thermal-chemical technology of hydrothermal-liquefaction (HTL). It turns the bio-waste into liquid fuel.The most interesting advantage is that the bio-waste doesn’t need to remove the water. It can be directly charged into the reactor to proceed the reaction. It’s very suitable treating for the biomass and algae applies containing water. This research applies to convert waste bamboo chopsticks (WBC) into liquid fuel. Factors examined included temperature (310 and 340 ℃), solvent volume (0, 25, 50, 75, 85, 100% v/v) and catalyst type (homogenous and heterogenous). Properties of products of solid, liquid, gas, and bio-crude oil were analyzed. The results show that the conditions at 340 ℃ with 75 vol.% of isopropanol and 5 wt.% of potassium carbonate have the highest solid conversion (88.09%) and bio-crude oil yield (57.01%). Overall, the enhancing effect of using isopropanol is better than using ethanol. Additional addition of heterogenous catalyst and hydrogen does not offer clear enhancement. Thus, rather than adding hydrogen to the HTL system, a post hydrogenation of the bio-crude oil product of HTL to upgrade its quality may be more feasible. The simulated distillation of bio-crude oil was conducted and compare with those of serveral fuels. The carbon number of bio-crude oil is closed to that JetA-1 aviation fuel , while other properties are not. Further upgrading of bio-crude oil by proper methods, such as hydrogenation and simulated distillation, would be needed to its property of closed to that of JetA-1.The color, viscosity, property of bio-crude oil are closed to those of heavy oil and boat oil.


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