  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study on Forecasting the Foreign Exchange Rate and Preventing Exchange Rate Risk for International Construction Projects

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


台灣為一島嶼型國家,資源及市場有限,僧多粥少的情況下,若承包商只在台灣本島進行承包工程可得到的利益有限,為追求更大的收益,承包商必然須要跨出台灣並邁向國際選擇向外國業主進行承包工程。然跨國國際工程專案由於其複雜性,工程進行期間有大量的採購發包,這其中更不乏牽涉許多不同國家的採購,向不同國家進行採購必然涉及不同種類的貨幣,而貨幣之間的轉換則會因為貨幣之間的匯率變動為承包商帶來無可預期的匯率風險,對於想跨出台灣邁向國際的營造企業,必然不可忽略匯率波動所帶來的風險。 為了探討匯率波動所造成的風險,本研究以國內營造廠的角度,並以文獻回顧及專家訪談的方式整理出台灣營造業者若向外國業主進行承包工程時所需面臨的匯率風險。而為了規避匯率風險,除使用各種避險的方法外,若能對匯率走勢進行預測則能更有效且積極的應對匯率波動所造成的風險,因此本研究亦以技術分析的方式,集合各種不同種類的技術指標,發展出一套匯率預測的策略。最後則是進行匯率風險的避險,本研究對跨國工程專案的避險分為投標前及執行中兩階段,投標前使用卡拉杰克矩陣(Karljic matrix)將採購項目分類來決定投標時的貨幣種類,並以自然避險的手法對工程專案進行避險;在工程專案執行中則是發展出一套以遠期外匯為避險方式的策略對其進行避險。 本研究探討台灣營造業者承包國際工程專案時的風險,並發展出一套匯率預測的策略及匯率避險的策略供其作為參考。


Taiwan is an island country, and it construction market size is limited. For pursuing much more profits, contractors would like to bid for the construction projects outside of Taiwan. There usually have a lot of procurement items which are purchased in different countries for international construction projects. Therefore, contractors will have a lot of categories of currency during the whole project duration. Because of it, the risk of exchange rate cannot be avoided by the contractor who wants to bid for the international construction projects. In addition to using financial instruments, this research will develop method to forecast the foreign exchange rate to positively prevent the risk of exchange rate. Therefore, we use the technical analysis way to develop a strategy to forecast the foreign exchange rate. For preventing exchange rate risk, this study used the Karljic matrix to analyze the procurement items, using the natural hedge method to achieve preventing exchange rate risk as well as using forward exchange agreement to achieve that.


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