  • 學位論文


Financial Market Regulations in Post-financial Crisis Taiwan: Focusing on Financial Derivatives

指導教授 : 曾宛如


2007 年開始席捲全球之金融海嘯顯示出金融市場長久以來過度為追求金融創新而去規範化、現存規範設計缺陷以及監理機關失能等問題,是以危機結束後國際間紛紛檢討以及進行金融市場規範之改革,而由於衍生性金融商品交易被認為是引發金融海嘯之主因,衍生性金融商品之規範遂成為修法重點之一。 在金融規範領域中,國際組織所提出之軟法被各國轉化為內國法規之程度極高,金融海嘯後之金融改革也因此種規範特性,使得各國之金融改革方向具有某種程度之一致性。在「控制系統風險以避免影響整體金融系統之金融危機再次發生」觀點下,原本強調促進金融創新之規範政策被批評,衍生性金融商品被大幅納入規範;為降低店頭市場交易風險,引進集中交易制度;有鑒於金融機構之系統重要性,大幅提升對於金融機構之要求,銀行作為衍生性金融商品交易之主要金融機構,在 Basel III 提出後,修訂與其相關之法規即成為全球趨勢;金融消費者因金融專業知識與資訊缺乏而在交易中處於劣勢地位,為加強對其之保護,除了建立金融行銷之規範外,以消費者金融教育提升金融消費者對金融之認識,使金融消費者有能力作出正確投資判斷成為政府努力之目標;此外,為提升主管機關執行監理任務之功能,美國、英國等國家亦大幅變動金融監理機關設置之方式,以求監理機關能夠確實達成各種監理任務。 我國之證券規範因規範客體範圍過於狹隘,許多衍生性金融商品並未被涵括在內;雖大致配合 Basel III 之國際標準訂定更嚴格之銀行法規,但金融機構降低系統風險之規範仍有不足;尚未設置店頭市場之集中交易制度,無法顯著降低店頭市場交易風險;而我國之消費者金融教育缺乏長遠計劃能達成之成效有限;在金融機構設置方面,金融監督管理委員會之獨立性不足,影響其監理任務之達成。由此可見,這波修法浪潮雖影響了我國於金融海嘯後之金融法規修正,然而因修法並不十分完整,我國金融市場規範尚有許多缺失有待改進。本文以衍生性金融商品規範為討論核心,將我國金融市場規範與金融海嘯後之外國修法趨勢作比較法之分析並加以檢討後,進一步提出我國可採取之規範修正建議。


The global financial crisis during 2007-08 revealed the deficiency of regulations for financial markets. After the crisis, the deregulation policy, the loopholes in existent regulations, and the dysfunction of competent authorities were criticized and that many international organizations and countries begun to modify the regulations, especially those for financial derivatives which is blamed for the occurrence of the crisis. Comparing to other legal domains, the soft laws established by international organizations are often adopted and thus the modification in different jurisdictions are similar to some extent. Under the consideration of reducing the impact of the systemic risk to financial system, the governments tend to extend the coverage of regulations to more financial derivatives, centralize the trading in OTC market, increase the requirements for financial institutions, and enhance financial consumer protection through consumer education. Besides, for strengthen competent authorities, some countries, such as United States and United Kingdom, even changed the structure of financial supervision. Even though Taiwan is also influenced by the tendency of regulation modification and has amended some regulations for financial market; however, the modification is not enough. In Taiwan, there are many financial derivatives are still not regulated because of the narrow coverage of regulations and that it provides room for regulatory arbitrage. Besides, the requirements provided by soft law for reducing systemic risk for financial institutions are not fully adopted, centralizing trading has not introduced to OTC market yet, and that there is no long-term plan for consumer protection policy. Moreover, the deficiency of independence makes the competent authority of financial supervision difficult to achieve its missions. This thesis discusses the financial market regulations focusing on financial derivatives through a comparative approach and provides the author’s suggestions for the modification for financial market in Taiwan.


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