  • 學位論文


Leaf Trait Inheritance and Induced-mutation in Coleus

指導教授 : 葉德銘


彩葉草 [Solenostemon scutellariodes (L.) Codd.] 葉形、葉色多變,廣泛應用於綠美化,本研究探討彩葉草葉片性狀遺傳模式及誘變育種方法,以利選育新品種。   本研究參試之商業品種親本皆為正常葉寬,在 19 雜交組合中,17 組正常葉寬品種之自交、雜交後代全數皆為正常葉寬個體,‘Cardinal’ 及 ‘Defiance’ 此二組自交之後代中分離出葉寬狹窄個體,因此正常葉寬 (W) 相對於狹窄葉寬 (w) 應為顯性性狀,‘Cardinal’ 與 ‘Defiance’ 基因型為異質結合 Ww。葉緣深缺刻且雄不稔之品種與深缺刻且雄可稔之品種雜交,子代深缺刻與淺缺刻表現型之比例為 3:1 或 1:0;以葉緣深缺刻且雄不稔之品種與葉緣淺缺刻的品種雜交,後代深缺刻與淺缺刻葉緣之植株數趨近於 1:1,而深缺刻之子代全數為雄不稔;深缺刻且雄可稔之品種自交,子代深缺刻與淺缺刻表現型之分離比為 3:1,深缺刻且雄可稔之品種與淺缺刻品種雜交,子代分離比為1:1;淺缺刻之品種自交或雜交,後代性狀皆為淺缺刻。可知葉緣深缺刻且雄不稔 (L) 性狀相對於深缺刻且雄可稔性狀 (lF) 為顯性,深缺刻且雄不稔性狀相對於葉緣淺缺刻 (l) 為顯性性狀。皺褶葉面之品種雜交,後代皺褶葉面與平滑葉面植株之分離比趨近於 3:1,皺褶葉面之品種與平滑葉面之品種雜交,後代皺褶葉面與平滑葉面植株之分離比趨近於 1:1 或 1:0,而葉面平滑之品種相互自交或雜交,所得子代皆為葉面平滑,顯示皺褶葉面 (C) 相對於平滑葉面 (c) 應為顯性性狀,且由一對等位基因控制。葉脈不規則之品種雜交,後代不規則脈形與規則脈形之植株數比趨近於 3:1;不規則脈形與規則脈形之品種雜交,不規則脈形與規則脈形之植株數比趨近於 1:1 或 1:0;規則脈形之品種相互雜交,所得子代皆為規則脈形之植株,顯示脈形不規則 (G) 相對於脈形規則 (g) 為顯性性狀,由一對等位基因控制。扇形葉形品種 ‘Tilt a Whirl’ 之自交子代,中肋明顯短縮、中肋中等短縮與中肋無短縮 3 性狀之植株數比趨近於 1:2:1;‘Tilt a Whirl’ 與非扇形葉形之 ‘Wizard Jade’ 雜交,子代族群中無扇形葉個體,推測扇形葉個體中有 R 基因調控中肋短縮基因 F,R 基因對 F 基因具上位性,當 R 基因為隱性同質結合之 rr 時,才能表現中肋短縮之扇形葉性狀;中肋短縮程度明顯之雙扇葉形為同質顯性性狀,以 FF 表示其基因型;中肋短縮程度中等之扇形葉為異質結合之中間形性狀,以 Ff 表示其基因型;中肋無短縮之卵形葉為同質結合之隱性性狀,以 ff 表示其基因型。正常葉形之調控基因型則為 RR。   葉面具紫紅色斑塊之品種或品系自交,子代中具斑塊與不具斑塊之個體數比為 3:1 或 1:0;具斑塊與無斑塊之品種雜交,子代中具斑塊與無斑塊之族群比為 1:0 與 1:1;以不具斑塊之品種或品系進行自交,產生之子代皆不具斑塊。結果顯示紫紅色斑塊性狀由一對等位基因 B 及 b 控制,具斑塊 (B) 相對於不具斑塊 (b) 為顯性。以葉面撒佈小點之品種自交,子代具斑點與不具斑點之植株比例約為3:1;具白色斑點與不具白色斑點之品種雜交,子代具白色小斑點與不具白色小斑點之植株數比趨近於 1:1;不具白色斑點之品種雜交,子代全數不具白色斑點。由此可得知葉面小斑點性狀為一對等位基因控制,葉片具白色小斑點 (S) 為顯性性狀,葉片無白色小斑點 (s) 為隱性性狀。具中肋白色條帶之品種與不具中肋白色條帶之品種雜交,後代具中肋白色條帶與不具中肋白色條帶之植株數比趨近於 1:0;具條帶之品種相互雜交,子代中具條帶與無條帶之植株比趨近於 1:0 或 3:1;不具中肋白色條帶之品種相自交或雜交,所得子代皆不具中肋白色條帶。因此中肋條帶為顯性性狀由一對等位基因控制,具條帶性狀 (M) 相對於不具條帶性狀 (m) 為顯性。   測量四雜交後代選系 ‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 08、‘Fiesta’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ - Progeny 11-11、‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 10 與 ‘New Hurricane’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ - Progeny 07 不同光度下之淨光合作用速率,‘Fiesta’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ - Progeny 11-11 有最高之光補償點與光飽和點測值,顯示該品系較適合於光線充足之環境下生長;‘New Hurricane’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ - Progeny 07 之光補償點與 ‘Fiesta’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ 11-11 相近,但光飽和點較低,推測其光度適應範圍較窄,但兩者皆較適合生長於明亮環境下。‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ 08 與 ‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 10 之光補償點較低,顯示兩者能在較為低光的環境下生長。‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 10 之光補償點與光飽和點皆為四品系中最低,可能為適合於低光度下生長之品系。   以 0、20、25、30、35、40 及 50 Gy 之  ray 處理 ‘Defiance’ 及 ‘Cardinal’ 插穗後 6 個月,‘Defiance’ 之存活率以 25 Gy 劑量處理之 23% 最低,‘Cardinal’ 之存活率以 50 Gy 劑量處理之 66.7% 為最低;突變率於處理後 6 個月進行調查,‘Defiance’ 之突變率以處理 25 Gy 之組別最高,突變率為 7.1%;‘Cardinal’ 之突變率以處理 50 Gy 之組別最高,突變率為 7.5%。‘Defiance’ 在處理 20 Gy、25 Gy及 35 Gy 之處理劑量中,誘變當代 (M0) 出現葉片黃紅色交雜的嵌合斑紋,處理 35 Gy、40 Gy 及 50 Gy 之組別中,則出現花青素消失,全葉呈現黃綠色的性狀;‘Cardinal’ 在處理 25 Gy 組別中,誘變當代出現帶有大理石斑紋的嵌合突變枝,在處理 30 Gy 之組別中出現銅紅色葉色,40 Gy 及 50 Gy 之組別中有全葉呈現黃綠色的性狀,50 Gy 之組別中出現黃紅色交雜的嵌合斑紋。誘變當代扦插繁殖後部分枝條嵌合變異性狀消失,顯示嵌合斑紋可能為輻射傷害之表現,銅紅色及全黃綠葉變異枝之植株,性狀可藉由扦插繁殖固定。


葉形 葉斑 分離比  射線 突變


Coleus [Solenostemon scutellariodes (L.) Codd.], with various leaf forms and shapes, are used extensively for landscaping and decoration all year round. Crosses between commercial cultivars and  ray treatments were conducted to have a better understand of leaf characteristics inheritance and induced-breeding in Coleus. Progenies obtained from selfing or crossing cultivars with normal leaf width were all with normal width, except that progeny from selfing ‘Defiance’ resulted in a 3:1 ratio (normal: narrow). These results indicated that characteristic of leaf width was controlled by a single locus, while normal width (W) is dominant to narrow width (w). Progenies obtained from crossing between male-sterile deep lobed and male-fertile deep lobed cultivars resulted in a 3:1 or 1:0 ratio (deep-lobe: shallow-lobe). Progeny from crossing between male-sterile deep lobed and shallow lobed resulted in a 1:1 ratio (deep-lobe: shallow-lobe). Selfing male-fertile deep lobed resulted in a 3:1 ratio, while crossing between male-fertile deep lobed segregated in a 1:1 ratio (deep-lobe: shallow-lobe). These suggested that leaf margin was controlled by a single locus. Deep-lobed and male sterile (L) is dominant to deep-lobed and male-fertile (lF), while the latter is dominant to shallow-lobed and male-sterile (l) .Cultivars with crinkled surface were crossed, and the progeny fit a 3:1 ratio (crinkled: smooth). Crossing between smooth-leaved cultivars produced all smooth-leaved seedlings. Progeny from crossing between crinkled and smooth cultivars fit a 1:0 or 1:1 ratio (crinkled: smooth). These suggested that leaf surface trait was governed by a single locus. Crinkled surface (C) is dominant to smooth surface (c). Crossing between irregular-vein cultivars, between anastomosis and regular-vein cultivars, and between anastomosis cultivars fit a 3:1, 1:1 or 1:0 and 0:1 ratio (anastomosis: regular-vein), respectively in progeny. This indicated that leaf vein trait was governed by a single locus, and anastomosis vein (G) is dominant to regular vein (g). Crossing between purple blotched cultivars and strains resulted in a 3:1 or 1:0 ratio (blotched: non-blotched). Crossing between non-blotched cultivars and strains all had non-blotched progenies. These indicated that purple blotch (B) is dominant to non-blotched leaf (b). Selfing white spotted leaf cultivars resulted in a 3:1 ratio, while crossing white spotted leaf cultivars with non-spotted cultivars resulted in a 1:1 ratio (spotted: non-spotted). These indicated that white spotted trait might be controlled by a single allele, and white spotted leaf (S) is dominant to non- spotted leaf (s). Progenies of crossing between white midrib striped cultivars and midrib non-striped cultivars resulted in a 1:0 ratio. Progenies of crossing between white midrib striped cultivars resulted in a 1:0 or 3:1 ratio. These indicated that white midrib striped trait is controlled by a single allele, and white midrib striped leaf (M) is dominant to midrib non-striped leaf (m). Mesurements were conducted to test net photosynthesis rate under different photosynthetic photon flux in four progenies: ‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 08, Fiesta × Wizard Jade 12-11, ‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 10 and New Hurricane × Wizard 07. ‘Fiesta’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ - Progeny 11-11 had a highest light saturation and a compansetion point, indicating this strain grew better under sufficient light condition. ‘New Hurricane’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ - Progeny 07 had a similar light compansetion point to ‘Fiesta’ × ‘Wizard Jade’ - Progeny 11-11, but with a lower light saturation point, suggesting it might have a narrow light acclimation range. ‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 08 and ‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 10 had lower light compansetion points and thus could adapt to lower light condition. ‘Norris’ × ‘Defiance’ - Progeny 10 had the lowest light saturation and compansetion point among the four strain, which means it could grow under low light intensity.   The cuttings of ‘Defiance’ and ‘Cardinal’ were treated with  ray. After 6 months, ‘Defiance’ exhibited the lowest survival rate (23%) and highest mutation rate (7.1%) at 25 Gy treatment, while ‘Cardinal’ had the lowest survival rate (66.7%) and highest mutation rate (7.5%) at 50 Gy. Mutation shoots (M0) from ‘Defiance’ were chimeric or yellowish, and ‘Cardinal’ became copper-colored, yellowish, or chimeric. Some of chimeric sports disappeared after propagation with cuttings, indicating that the chimeric phenotype resulted from irradiation damage. Plants with copper-red and yellowish sports remain unchanged after cutting-propagation, and thus had potential to a new germplasm for landscape and commercial uses.


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