  • 學位論文


From struggle consciousness to collective action: the struggle experience of the National Unemployed Workers Front(2012.6-2014.3)

指導教授 : 黃麗玲


本篇論文描述全國關廠工人連線2012年到2014年的抗爭歷程。這群工人來自1996年關廠的聯福、福昌、東菱、耀元、興利及太中自救會,分別歷經過臥軌、絕食、擋考生等抗爭階段,最後爭取到「代位求償」;然而2012年勞委會宣稱這是一筆「貸款」而向工人追討,於是重啟全關連的再度抗爭。 本文透過新馬克斯主義的文化觀點,來考察過去抗爭的歷史經驗,如何形成抗爭意識,作用在這群關廠工人身上,再次進行集體行動。歷經過2000年到2008年的社運收編階段,台灣很少出現過大規模工人集體行動,全關連成員使用遊行、佔領公共空間、絕食等激烈行動,表現出工人的集體抗爭意志;除此之外,過去的抗爭經驗和組織工作者的組織方法,也會一定程度的影響自救會如何面對集體分化的危機,行動主體的能動性、駐廠抗爭期間累積的社會網絡及外部團體(工運團體)介入是形塑這場抗爭的重要因素。


This research is describing the struggle experiences of the National Unemployed Workers Front from 2012 to 2014. These workers were abandoned by the Lien-Fu, Tobishi, Yao-Yuan, Xing-Li, Fu-Zhong, and Tai-Zhong factories among 1996 to 1998. They took many radical means to protest the government, such as lying on the railways, hunger strike and disrupting the national exams. After all, the government promised to give then pensions which should be given by their employers. However, the Council of Labor Affairs claimed these pensions are “Loans”, therefore these workers started to protests again. This research aimed at the cultural perspective of New Marxism. How the struggle consciousness is shaped by the past experiences to intensify the collective actions. From 2000 to 2008, because the ruling party(Democratic Progressive Party ) exercised d their power to lessen the power of social movement on purpose, it was rare to witness massive labor collective actions. The National Unemployed Front using demonstrations, occupying the public space and hunger strike to show their collective struggle wills. In addition, the past protest experiences and the organizing methods play an important role on facing the crisis of disunity to some extent. The agency of actors, social networks which were build by the past factory-occupying experiences, and the interfere of outer groups are the main factors to shape this struggle.


