  • 學位論文

行動通訊產業分析與競爭策略: 以中國智慧型手機市場為例

Competition Analysis of Mobile Communication Industry - Smartphone in China

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 陳俊忠


在全球每年超過13億的智慧型手機市場中,中國不僅是全球第一大市場,中國本土品牌在全球智慧型手機市場亦佔有舉足輕重的角色。然而,智慧型手機在極短時間內席捲大陸市場,但也快速的進入成熟期。在經歷2010年至2014年的快速成長後,2014年下半年出現了成長趨緩的現象,智慧型手機的滲透率已達九成以上,智慧型手機的平均售價也不斷下滑,中低階產品成為各品牌競逐的主要市場。 隨著低價高規的智慧型手機成為市場主流,有別於過去以國際品牌為主,中國智慧型手機市場也轉為由國產品牌主導。除了中興、華為、聯想等知名品牌,已有越來越多中小型中國手機廠商蓬勃發展,導致中國手機市場競爭更為激烈,也讓品牌廠商的利潤受到擠壓。國際品牌除了Apple以外,例如三星、HTC、Sony,在前有Apple盤據高階手機市場,後有中國大軍壓境之下,生存空間被大幅壓縮。 本研究企圖透過產業的分析,整理出市場趨勢,歸納手機廠商消長的原因,以及未來因應的策略。而細究智慧型手機產業,已經從手機廠商之間技術或硬體的競爭,轉為生態體系的競合,平台、內容、服務與應用軟體主導了使用者經驗,驅動消費者購買手機的需求,但卻不存於傳統供應鍊體系之中,這類互補的結構,為消費者帶來整體價值,已跳脫傳統單一產品銷售的競爭格局。本研究將探討產業內互補者的角色與影響力,亦將分析廠商如何透過競爭和合作與夥伴共同創造價值。 本研究將以五力分析與破壞式創新的理論架構檢視中國智慧型手機產業,探究產業進入門檻與競爭態勢,並試圖找出國際品牌為何無法持續領先,以及國產品牌後來居上的因素。此外,也將以價值網與競合策略分析智慧型手機品牌所面臨的挑戰與機會,並提出可能的發展策略。


China has become the largest smartphone market in the world with more than 400 million smartphone sales per year. Not only China dominates worldwide smartphone market, China local brands have evolved to become major players in global market. After hyper growth from 2010 to 2014, China smartphone sales started to slow down at the 2nd half of 2014. The penetration rate of smartphone exceeded 90%. Average selling price is on a declining trend. Severe price competition is now a major challenge to all the brands in the market. International brands are facing a difficult situation as local brands became dominant with their high spec and low price strategy. Except Apple enjoying premium price position with its unique proposition, international brands like Samsung, Sony and HTC are losing market share as well as profitability. The objective of this thesis is to analyze industry data and market information, formulate the trends and the reasons behind brands’ up and down, and to discuss possible strategy for smartphone manufacturers. In essence, smartphone industry is no longer a competition on technical capability or hardware cost among competitors. Content, mobile services and apps are the driving forces behind user’s adoption of smartphone. These 3rd-party content and services are not part of the supply chain of smartphone manufacturers but play a critical role affecting the entire industry. They complement the sales of smartphone. The competition evolves from hardware sales to whole ecosystem. This thesis will examine the role of complement, their influencing power and how smartphone manufacturers may leverage and cooperate with complement providers to create more value. Theory and models from five forces model and disruptive innovation will be applied to analyze industry competition and understand why international brands were unable to sustain their industry position, and how local brands were able to replace existing leaders in less than three years. This thesis will also address the challenges and opportunities to smartphone manufacturers with Value Net and Co-opetition analysis.


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林淑芬(2016)。智慧型手機在市場拓展策略之探討-以 H 公司為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00791
