  • 學位論文


Canal Planning in the South of the Wu River in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳發林


臺灣由於地理環境,河川雖多,但坡陡流急,地表逕流保存不易,降雨量為全世界2.6倍,每人每年可配用水量僅為全球平均之五分之一,高居全世界第19位缺水國家。在能源問題及氣候變遷下,交通部門統計溫室氣體排放比例自8%,成長到2010年時已高達15%,公路運輸成為主要排放溫室氣體來源。本論文提出臺灣烏溪以南運河之構想,連結高雄港與臺中港,目的於保留、調節臺灣水資源,並肩負替代公路運輸達成節能減碳之功能,運河本身藍帶功能,在生態維護、環境保護可發揮正面幫助、亦能為所經之地區帶來觀光效益。 本論文主要分為三部分,第一部分為資料收集與整理,包含雨量分布、河川流量、台灣地形高程、人口密度、國家土地利用調查等相關資料,並採用地理資訊系統(GIS)將上述資料處理為資料圖層,作為規劃運河之重要參考資訊。第二部分,依據上述資料圖層,針對臺灣烏溪以南,採用適合之現有河川為運河河道主體並規劃人工河道,同時分析地形資訊,評估運河規劃之可行性。由於整體運河工程可行性低與跨區域政策執行性小,因此在第三部分中,轉而以縣市為單位,依據縣市發展政策與區域規劃書,為當地觀光、蓄水防洪、水資源調節等方面規劃規模較小的運河。 結論中,規劃烏溪以南運河長達248.1公里,其中89%為現有河道,11%為人工河道,包含14座運輸樞紐與17座船閘。與公路運輸相比,運河運輸可減少68%排碳量,並可蓄24.8百萬噸水,作為蓄水、延遲與分流中南部山區之地表逕流。 本論文之運河僅以所收集之資料進行概念性規劃,於工程技術及政策上並未詳加敘述,主要為臺灣在水資源的缺乏及節能減碳上,規劃未來可能之解決方針。


臺灣 運河 運輸 節能減碳 水資源


The canal planning in the south of the Wu River in Taiwan for water conservation and energy saving has been presented. In Taiwan, due to the special terrain and climate, the runoff time is too short to keep the water effectively. The annual precipitation in Taiwan is about 2.6 times the volume of the world average; however, available water resource per capita is far lower than the world average. On the other hand, according to Ministry of Transportation and Communication, greenhouse gases emission proportion rose from 8% to 15% from 1990 to 2000, mainly fueled by road transportation. Under energy shortage and climate anomaly, canal transportation has great advantage in carbon reduction. Nowadays, the canal not only serves the purpose of irrigation and transportation, but also flood control, tourism, ecology, and environmental protection. Furthermore, canals have great advantages in carbon reduction and water storage. The research was conducted in three phases. The first phase was processing collected data (precipitation distribution, river discharge, topography, land use investigation and etc.) with the geographic information system (GIS). Based on the information above, the canal route was planned in the second phase mainly by using suitable existing rivers, otherwise, artificial waterways. Then, route feasibility was assessed. However, because the plan in the phase two demonstrated low feasibility and high cost, in phase three, local canals were planned for urban development as an alternative to the proposal in phase two. To conclude, the length of the canal route in the south of the Wu River is 248.1 km, including 14 hubs and 17 navigation locks. The waterways in the route mainly were existing rivers. Compared to road transportation, carbon emissions in canal transportation was reduced by 68%. In addition, it had the water capacity of 24.7 million tons to serve as a means of water storage and extended the runoff time in the south of the Wu River.


Taiwan Canal Water Shortage Energy saving Carbon Reduction GIS


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