  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Attitudes and Opinions of the Regulated community in Food Safety Regulatory Policy: A Case Study of the Vendors in Night Markets in Taipei City

指導教授 : 王宏文


近年來食品安全風波不斷爆發,相關問題成為眾人關注焦點,然而目前研究多關注在制度或消費者的面向上,較忽略第一線被管制者可能在執行法規要求上面臨困難,因此本文嘗試從被管制者的角度出發,並以我國民眾日常經常造訪、同時亦是對外觀光宣傳主力的夜市作為研究主題,以夜市攤商作為研究對象,透過問卷調查與深度訪談等方法,理解攤商對於食品衛生稽查人員、相關法規、稽查成效的看法以及可能與其態度意見產生關聯的因素。 研究結果發現,夜市攤商對於稽查人員的專業程度、溝通意願以及提供的協助上認同程度相當高,對於食品安全相關法規的態度則以選擇普通者居多,而對於稽查成效的看法亦以認同者為多。 其次,以「被稽查頻率」、「參與衛生講習與否」、「參與自治會與否」、以及「攤販經營年資」、「攤販販售類別」、「攤商教育程度」等攤商的主客觀條件特質作為類別變項,與問卷各題作答結果進行卡方關聯性檢定後發現,「參與衛生講習與否」這一變項與攤商對於稽查各面向的態度產生顯著性關聯。有參與過衛生講習者對於稽查人員、法規與稽查成效的認同肯定程度均高於未曾參與過衛生講習者,顯見由臺北市衛生局所舉辦的「衛生講習」在提升攤商對稽查等食安管制政策認同程度上具有顯著的功效。 又以各夜市在「臺北市食材登錄平台」上的登錄數多寡作為分類標準,檢定結果顯示夜市參與該管制政策的程度並不與攤商對稽查政策的意見產生關聯。然而,各夜市的問卷回答結果之間則呈現顯著差異,從訪談和實地觀察結果推測,自治會的運作情形和稽查人員的執法程度可能是造成此差異的因素。 最後,針對問卷分析、訪談內容與實地觀察結果,本文提出以下數點建議,期望作為稽查人員或立法者未來在執法和修法上的參考方向: (一)善用衛生講習之溝通管道,(二)加強與自治會的合作,(三)提升執法程度,(四)加強宣傳稽查成效。


管制政策 食品安全 夜市 被管制者 稽查


In the recent years, people care more about the problems in food safety in Taiwan. However, it is neglected that there may be some difficulties for the food producers who are regulated by the government, to comply with the food safety policy. Therefore, we try to understand the food safety policy from the regulated community’s point of view, and take the vendors in four night markets in Taipei City for example. By questionnaires and in-depth interviews, we want to understand how the vendors think about the inspection policy, including the inspectors, the laws, and the effects of inspections. After the research and analysis, we found that the vendors have a positive attitude to the inspectors and the effects of inspections, but feel less positive towards the laws. Second, taking the “frequency of being regulated”, “experience of taking the lecture”, “attending the autonomous self-organization of the night market or not”, “years of operation”, “types of operation”, and “level of education of the vendors” to be the categorical variables, we found that the vendors who have taken the lectures hold by officers tend to agree with the inspection policy, compared to the counterparts who have never taken the lectures. That is to say, the food safety lectures are effective in promoting the degree of satisfaction for inspection policy, and may promote the vendors’ compliance with the laws. Third, the difference in the questionnaires between the four night markets is significant. By in-depth interviews and observations in the field, we infer that the implementation of the officers and the autonomous self-organization of night markets are the key points to make the difference. Finally, we have four suggestions for the inspectors of the Department of Health in Taipei City Government. First, make good use of the food safety lectures, which can enhance the degree of satisfaction of the vendors for the inspection policy. Second, cooperate closely with autonomous self-organization of night markets, which makes it easier to interact with the vendors. Third, get more strictly when implementing laws, which also needs the legislators to modify laws. Fourth, spread the effects of inspections to the consumers, which can promote incentives for the regulated community to do better with food safety.


余舜德、黃應貴,1999,〈夜市研究與台灣社會〉,《人類學在台灣的發展: 經驗研究篇》,臺北:中研院民族研究所。
