  • 學位論文


The Customer Journey Mapping- Female Customers of Facial Skincare Products

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


了解顧客之需求一直以來都是企業最重要的課題,「顧客旅程地圖」工具的發展,有助於企業辨識其與顧客的互動中尚有何處需要進行改進、發現企業經營之機會點,透過這項工具能幫助企業站在顧客的角度思考,了解其需求、感受及想法。本研究在前段將針對此顧客旅程地圖工具的定義、相關概念、應用方式及建構方式進行全面之探討。 本研究希望透過了解不同保養品消費族群的顧客旅程並比較其異同,找出消費者需求尚未被企業所提供之產品或服務滿足之缺口,以利進一步總結出衍生之管理意涵。透過實際把顧客旅程地圖應用於分析台灣地區20至35歲女性保養品消費者,探討其資訊及購物行為。 研究執行程序上,首先將受訪者歸納、勾勒出三種角色原型,並區分出五個顧客旅程階段,接下來進一步了解顧客在不同階段想達成之目標、每個階段之接觸點及產生之感受與想法。藉由以上資料之蒐集與分析,歸納出不同族群顧客間之資訊與購物行為異同,並辨識其尚未被滿足的服務缺口,針對這些可以改進之機會點提出具有管理意涵之結論供企業參考。 研究結果發現,不論女性保養品消費者屬於何類型,資訊蒐集過程皆佔有非常重要的份量,儘管使用之搜尋管道有些許不同,但在網路搜尋時所在乎之面向不具有太大差異;不同族群間主要差異來自於購物時選擇之通路,由於三者皆有各自最在乎之屬性,因此導致選擇購買通路之差異。最後,訪談過程中亦發現顧客尚未被滿足之處,本研究也針對這些問題提出管理上之建議。


It has always been an important issue for companies to “know their customers.” The emergence and development of “Customer Journey Mapping” became the key to deal with this issue. It helps the company to identify if there is any room for service improvement and to find more business opportunities. By adopting this tool, company can appreciate customers’ needs, feelings and thoughts from customers’ perspectives more effectively. In the beginning part of this study, the definition, related concepts, applications and the executing methods of customer journey mapping will be comprehensively discussed and clarified. This study aims to build and compare the customer journeys of different types of customers, and therefore to discover the customers’ needs that are not yet satisfied by the products or services, with an eye to concluding further managerial implications. This research applied the customer journey mapping tool to analyzing 20- to 35-year-old Taiwanese female customers of skincare products, in order to comprehend their information- and purchase-behaviors. The method of research started from generalizing the interviewees into 3 kinds of personas. Secondly, divided the customer journey into 5 phases; furthermore, to know customers’ goals, touchpoints, feelings and thoughts in respective phases. This research will help companies to compare the differences among types of customers, investigate and identify their unsatisfied needs, and therefore provide executable solutions to solve these problems. The results shows that no matter which type the female customer belongs to, the process of collecting sufficient data plays an important role. The source of differences mainly comes from the “purchase phase,” where each type of customers chooses distinct channels because of different reasons. In addition, this study also discovered several customer dissatisfactions and formed corresponding managerial suggestions.


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