  • 學位論文


Effects of high-fat diet and folate status on immune regulation

指導教授 : 林璧鳳


本研究為探討高油飼料長期餵食下與較低LPS劑量致急性發炎,是否肥胖會降低急性發炎小鼠的存活率,6週齡C57BL/6J公鼠給予高油飲食22週,測定血清細胞激素與血中調節型T細胞作為觀察發炎前的免疫指標,於28週齡時腹腔注射10 mg/kg BW LPS誘發小鼠急性發炎,觀察小鼠生命期,並於小鼠死亡時測定肝臟mRNA表現量。結果顯示,肥胖增加小鼠血清IL-6的分泌,降低血中CD4+ T細胞比例,但延長急性發炎小鼠的生命期,降低肝臟中IL-1β的表現,肝臟中發炎基因表現量未與生命期有相關性,顯示肥胖加劇的發炎可能不影響LPS致急性發炎鼠的存活率。 葉酸缺乏為另一可能促發炎因子,葉酸缺乏於動物模式下是否會加劇急性發炎反應有待確認,因此本研究給予C57BL/6J公鼠葉酸缺乏飲食12週,以15 mg/kg BW LPS致急性發炎,觀察小鼠生命期並測定小鼠發炎後各時間點的體溫,取小鼠死亡時肝臟測定發炎基因表現量。結果顯示缺乏葉酸不影響C57BL/6J小鼠的存活率,且致發炎11小時後小鼠體溫與存活時數呈顯著正相關。 此外,已知國人攝食葉酸的主要食物來源為蔬菜及水果,而今國人偏向高油飲食型態下,蔬果類攝取不足時葉酸缺乏的影響為何,有待研究。為探討高油飲食的情況下,葉酸缺乏或補充對小鼠免疫細胞與脂質代謝的影響,將高油飲食小鼠分為葉酸缺乏組Hf-f0/a (添加1 %抗生素)、HF-f0、葉酸1倍組HF-f1與葉酸10倍組HF-f10,餵食20週。結果顯示HF-f0組脂肪組織有較重的趨勢,脂肪組織內F4/80+細胞浸潤比例高於HF-f10組,血清總膽固醇、HDL-C與LDL-C較少,肝臟中有較多膽固醇含量,血清中磷脂醯膽鹼含量較少,但血清與肝臟中三酸甘油酯各組間並無差異。HF-f0組脾臟細胞增生能力顯著較低,脾臟naive T細胞比例顯著高於HF-f10組。經裂殖素活化後,HF-f0組的脾臟細胞分泌較多IL-2與較少IL-6,HF-f10組脾臟細胞分泌較少IFN-γ;未受活化的狀態下,HF-f0組的脾臟細胞分泌較多IL-6,腹腔細胞亦有較高的IL-6分泌量;HF-f0組肝臟IL-6與IL-1β mRNA表現量增加,F4/80 mRNA表現量減少,血清IgA與IgG分泌量減少;HF-f10組血清IgA分泌增加。葉酸缺乏飲食添加抗生素不影響小鼠的生長,但與HF-f0組比較,添加抗生素會增加血清膽固醇、降低肝臟膽固醇含量,降低脾臟細胞IL-2與IL-6的分泌,增加LPS活化時IL-10分泌量,降低腹腔細胞分泌IL-6,亦降低肝臟IL-6與IL-1β mRNA表現量,增加IgA的分泌。 綜合上述結果,高油飲食與葉酸缺乏不影響 LPS 致急性發炎小鼠的存活率。在高油飲食狀況下,缺乏葉酸會增加肝臟膽固醇含量,降低血清膽固醇,影響膽固醇代謝,並抑制脾臟免疫細胞的分化與活化能力,同時會促進腹腔細胞分泌發炎細胞激素,降低血清IgA與IgG分泌量;葉酸補充增加白色脂肪組織重量,但可降低脂肪組織的巨噬細胞浸潤程度,降低脾臟細胞分泌 IFNγ並增加血清 IgA 的分泌。缺乏葉酸可加劇發炎,降低抗體分泌與免疫細胞活性,補充葉酸則有利於調節發炎反應與促進抗體產生。


It is controversial that obesity increase the mortality of acute inflammation. In this study, we prolonged feeding time of high-fat diet and lowered the dose of LPS to investigate whether obesity reduced the lifespan of mice in acute inflammation. C57BL/6J male mice were fed high-fat diet for 22 weeks, serum cytokines and blood T cell subtype were examined, and mice were intraperitoneally injected with a 10 mg/kg body weight (BW) LPS to induce acute inflammation, and lifespan was observed. Results indicated that obese mice had higher serum IL-6 and lower CD4+ T cells proportion, however obese mice had longer lifespan in acute inflammation, and lower hapatic IL-1β mRNA expression. Correlation between hepatic inflammatory cytokines expression and lifespan was not observed, indicating that obesity may not reduce the lifespan in acute inflammation. Furthermore, we used LPS-induced acute inflammation murine model to study if folate deficiency could shorten the lifespan. C57BL/6J male mice fed folate-deficient diet for 12 weeks were injected with 15 mg/kg BW LPS, lifespan and body temperature were observed. Results showed that folate deficiency didn’t influence the lifespan of C57BL/6J mice in acute inflammation, but there was a positive correlation between lifespan and body temperature at 11 hr after LPS-induced inflammation. Our study also investigated whether folate status may affect fat deposit and immune cells activation in high-fat diet feeding. C57BL/6J male mice were fed high-fat diet containing different content of folate: HF-f0/a (0 mg, 1% antibiotics added), HF-f0 (0 mg), HF-f1 (2 mg) and HF-f10 (20 mg) per kg diet. Mice fed for 20 weeks were sacrificed at 26 weeks of age. Blood triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, antibody level, and hepatic lipid concentration were analyzed. Immune cells activation was examined by spleen T lymphocyte proliferation, spleen naïve T cells population, and cytokines produced by splenocytes and primary macrophages. Hepatic inflammatory-related cytokines mRNA expression was examined by qPCR. Results showed that HF-f0 had higher adipose tissue weight and higher F4/80+ macrophage infiltration but lower serum total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C concentration, serum triglyceride wasn’t observed significant differences among groups. On the contrary, HF-f0 had higher hepatic cholesterol content. In addition, spleen T lymphocyte proliferation was significantly decreased, but the percentage of spleen naïve T cells was increased in the HF-f0 group. IL-2 was increased when cells were activated, while IL-6 was decreased in splenocytes of the HF-f0 group. Primary macrophages in peritoneal fluid in the HF-f0 group also had higher IL-6 secretion, and hepatic IL-6 and IL-1β mRNA expressions were elevated, but total IgA and IgG in the serum were reduced. HF-f10 significantly increased serum IgA. On the other hand, antibiotics could not affect mice growth but increased serum cholesterol, reduced hepatic cholesterol, reduced IL-2 and IL-6 secretion of splenocytes, increased IL-10 secretion of splenocytes in LPS stimulation, also reduced hepatic IL-6 and IL-1β mRNA expressions, and elevated serum IgA production compared to the HF-f0 group. To summarize, high-fat diet and folate deficiency could not affect the lifespan of mice in LPS-induced inflammation but may block cholesterol transport and cause lipid accumulate in liver, inhibit T cell differentiation/activation, and may promote inflammatory response because of higher IL-6 production of primary macrophages and elevated hepatic IL-6 and IL-1β mRNA expressions. Folate deficiency may also depress humoral immunity by reduced IgA and IgG level. In contrast, folate supplementation could benefit immune regulation and induce antibodies production.


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