  • 學位論文


A Study of Democratic Progressive Party Caucus in Taoyuan Magistrate Council(1945~2015)

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


本研究探討民主進步黨在臺灣桃園縣(市)議會的議員席次增減與其黨團運作之關係,期藉由相關政治理論、桃園縣(市)議會資料、地方權力組織以及民主進步黨的選舉策略等作為基礎,據以檢視民主進步黨議員席次之消長,從而對照桃園市議會現況及權力分配結果,以追尋兩者之間的發展關連。 桃園地方議會的發展脈絡源自於新竹縣參議會,經獨立為桃園縣議會後,乃發展至現今升格直轄市之後的桃園市議會。筆者除了檢視歷史脈絡外,亦從桃園地方派系與宗親會對政治權力的影響,探究桃園縣(市)議員選舉與政治派系運作關係,也從中壢事件開始去檢視其對桃園政治發展的影響。此外,關於議長、副議長政黨屬性與桃園縣(市)長之間的南北輪政默契,本研究也將一併述及,並探討期間的緣由及實際運作結果;至於改變這一地方潛規則的因素,如許信良與呂秀蓮的執政,本文亦有所著墨。 民主進步黨的發展對桃園政治具有關鍵影響力,從黨外時期到民主進步黨的成立,非國民黨籍的政治人物亦扮演了重要腳色。民主進步黨黨團在桃園縣(市)議會成立後,多年來以相對少數的勢力監督施政,很明顯的逐漸增加了議員席次,其中所牽涉的種種的因素都是本文的研究重點。 本文步研究發現:一、自戰後迄今,國民黨以「威權統合主義」統治臺灣,其遺緒至今仍斑斑可見,這個機制連帶影響桃園縣(市)議會的選情,所以自1986年至2014長達廿八年的時間裡,民主進步黨雖從三席議員增至廿席,但也始終未能過半。二、影響民主進步黨取得桃園縣(市)議會的重要因素,大抵如下:1、是選民結構的改變,;2、是經營「中間選民」的方式已進入網路時代;3、要吸引「網軍」的注意或支持,從政者必須重視民意的需求。


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the development of Taoyuan Magistrate Council and the Democratic Progress Party in Taiwan. With political theory, local councils related information of Taoyuan, which control the status of Taoyuan Magistrate Council and We try to research the coopetition relationship between the two. Since the development of the local council from the context of Taoyuan, Hsinchu county council gave birth to the Taoyuan City Council, and now after the municipality upgraded to Taoyuan Magistrate Council. In addition to the historical context I view outside, and from the influence of local factions and clan Taoyuan political power will explore the relationship between the operation of Taoyuan council elections and political factions, but also from the impact of events in Chung-Li, Taoyuan democracy to examine the profound impact of Taoyuan political development. On the north-south political understanding round Speaker, Deputy Speaker and party affiliation between Taoyuan County, the study will explore the reasons and the actual control period, for Hsu and Lu's change in power factor where the unspoken rules, are also described. Democratic Progressive Party Taoyuan development of critical political influence from outside the party time to set up the Democratic Progressive Party, Taoyuan politicians also played an important roles. Taoyuan County, Democratic Progressive Party parliamentary caucus of the establishment of a relatively small number of forces in the strict supervision of governance, increase gradually gained parliamentary seats, in which the factors of why to get public support, is also the focus of this study. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the development of Taoyuan Magistrate Council and the Democratic Progress Party in Taiwan. With political theory, local councils related information of Taoyuan, which control the status of Taoyuan Magistrate Council and the distribution of power,We try to research the coopetition relationship between the two. Since the development of the local council from the context of Taoyuan, Hsinchu county council gave birth to the Taoyuan City Council, and now after the municipality upgraded to Taoyuan Magistrate Council. In addition to the historical context I view outside, and from the influence of local factions and clan Taoyuan political power will explore the relationship between the operation of Taoyuan council elections and political factions, but also from the impact of events in Chungli, Taoyuan democracy to examine the profound impact of Taoyuan political development. On the north-south political understanding round Speaker, Deputy Speaker and party affiliation between Taoyuan County, the study will explore the reasons and the actual control period, for Hsu and Lu's change in power factor where the unspoken rules, are also described. Democratic Progressive Party Taoyuan development of critical political influence from outside the party time to set up the Democratic Progressive Party, Taoyuan politicians also played an important roles. Taoyuan County, Democratic Progressive Party parliamentary caucus of the establishment of a relatively small number of forces in the strict supervision of governance, increase gradually gained parliamentary seats, in which the factors of why to get public support, is also the focus of this study.


