  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Chikamatsu’s Trilogy of Kokusenya -On Historical Backgrounds, Plots, and Characters-

指導教授 : 朱秋而


1715年,近松門左衛門以鄭成功反清復明為題材,將其改編為『國性爺合戰』,風靡一時,更掀起了一股國性爺故事的書寫熱潮。近松也趁著這股熱潮,陸續創作了後日談『國性爺後日合戰』及『唐船噺今国性爺』,但二作的人氣及後世評價皆未及『國性爺合戰』。   至今為止的研究主要著重於『國性爺合戰』與『國性爺後日合戰』的比較,較少提及同為國性爺相關作品的『唐船噺今國性爺』。但在近松的這三部作品中,除了同是以外國為舞台,並以國性爺為題之外,其劇情構成及人物造型也有許多相似之處。此外,儘管這三部作品皆以明末清初的反清事件為創作根源,但其中也揉合了當時日本的時代背景。   本論文將近松的『唐船噺今国性爺』納入比較範圍,先探討當時日本的政經情況如何融入劇中,再比較三部作品中的類似構成元素及人物設定,並論述『國性爺合戰』對於後兩部作品的影響,以期從中探討近松的創作意圖,同時試圖探討出造成三部作品的評價差異的原因。


In 1715 Chikamatsu Monzaemon wrote a puppet play named Kokusenya Kassen. It is a play about how Kokusenya, a Chinese military leader, tried to resist the conquest of Qing dynasty. The great success of the play lead to a series of similar works regarding Kokusenya’s episodes. Though not as popular as Kokusenya Kassen, Chikamatsu Monzaemon himself also wrote two more related plays, Kokusenya Gonichi Kassen and Tōsenbanashi Ima-Kokusenya.   Prior studies mostly focused on the comparison of Kokusenya Kassen and Kokusenya Gonichi Kassen. Among them only few articles mentioned Tōsenbanashi Ima-Kokusenya. However, there are many similar elements used in these three plays. The three stories all happened outside Japan, and focused on main characters inspired by the same historical figure, Kokusenya. Even the plots and character designs showed features in common. Furthermore, though the three plays were adapted from a real history event happened in Mainland China and Taiwan, Chikamatsu Monzaemon added quite a few Japanese elements into the works.   This thesis will compare the three plays, firstly by studying how Chikamatsu Monzaemon added Japanese features into the plays, secondly by listing the similarities of plots and characters in the three works, and finally by analyzing how Kokusenya Kassen affected its two related works. Through the process above, we expect to find out Chikamatsu Monzaemon’s intentions when writing these three plays, and also the reasons resulted in the different reviews the three works received.


臺灣銀行經濟研究室編『臺案彙錄己集』卷一, 臺灣文獻叢刊第191種, 1964
1. テキスト
「民間省要」『日本經濟叢書』巻一所収, 日本經濟叢書刊行會, 1914
湯淺常山著 ; 永井一孝校訂『常山紀談』有朋堂書店, 1926
