  • 學位論文


An individual-based computational model for polarization and asymmetric cell division in Escherichia coli

指導教授 : 黃筱鈞




Engineered PopZ polarization and asymmetric cell division in a symmetrically dividing Escherichia coli cell is a novel genetic circuit construction in synthetic biology. Cellular behavior and underlying principles of protein polarization are not well understood in this synthetic system. Mathematical modeling, which is broadly applied in systems of synthetic biology, may help researchers to analyze critical parameters and to optimize experimental design. In this thesis, I introduced an individual-based computational model for simulation of Escherichia coli heterologously expressing PopZ protein. The model described the oligomerization of PopZ proteins with molecular interactions, and whether PopZ forms higher order structures dictating the polarization states of a cell. I discussed molecular interacting rules in the model that lead to robust PopZ unipolarization. Our model first recapitulated the polarization of cell over differential level of PopZ expression. Then another heterologous membrane protein SpmX, which is known to interact with PopZ, was introduced into the system. Our model also recapitulated a trend similar to our experimental data, which is the interaction of PopZ with SpmX promotes PopZ polarization in a cell. Extension of our model from 2-dimension to 3-dimension demonstrated that the rules in our system can be adapted to a more physiological relevant cell state. Finally, we implemented cell division in the model, and the result provided some intuition for how PopZ foci may be inherited in engineered asymmetric cell division. This individual-based model provides a platform to study PopZ polarization in Escherichia coli in silico.


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