  • 學位論文

「24小時全年無休7-ELEVEn隔日取貨」 網路書店創新營運模式之研究—以博客來為例

"24/7 next-day pickup at 7-ELEVEn" The innovative business model of online bookstore: A Research of books.com

指導教授 : 劉啟群 陳坤志


本論文從電子商務經營網路書店的發展與現況,針對個案公司博客來於2008年推出「24小時全年無休,7-ELEVEn隔日取貨」創新的營運模式進行研究,研究該公司的經營績效、供應鏈、及產業發展的影響,並透過全球電子商務持續飆升成長的趨勢以及網路零售巨擘亞馬遜創新的商業模式等文獻探討與架構,以個案研究法分析推論出博客來的關鍵成功因素與無法被複製或取代的核心競爭力,並對電子商務未來10年最重要的成功因素以及競爭將會如何演變,以及後續研究提出結論與建議。 研究結果顯示:一本用心製作的書,透過博客來圖書PM精準的詮釋,以及「24小時全年無休,7-ELEVEn隔日取貨」方便的訂購超商店取服務,讓關心閱讀的一切都很美好。博客來擁有統一集團垂直整合的物流、金流與資訊流以及國內外出版社及圖書通路提供規模經濟供應鏈的優勢,運用24小時經營的便利商店,讓顧客今天中午前下單,隔日就能到其指定的門市取貨,此物流服務「最後一哩(Last Mile)」成為博客來創新營運模式的致勝關鍵。 電子商務的成長之道是不斷創新與破壞,隨著科技發展、行動通訊技術提升、行動載具及智慧連網廣泛應用,將電商產業發展與消費者生活串起線上線下的延伸,以消費者為中心的商務型態全面崛起,電子商務的發展應用邁向多元化的商務應用,這些趨勢與挑戰,企業品牌應對得宜與否,就是勝出的關鍵點。


Started off of reviewing the development and situation of e-commerce and online bookstores, the thesis discuss the innovative business model of “24/7 next-day pickup at 7-ELEVEn”, which Books.com launched in 2008. The thesis uses the case study method. Through the studying of the company’s business performance, supply chain, and the impact on the industry, as well as reviewing papers of global e-commerce and the innovative business model of Amazon, the thesis finally concludes the key factors of success and the core competence of Books.com, and makes suggestions for the future of e-commerce. The result indicates that through the pick up at a 7-ELEVEn service, Books.com makes reading become easy and wonderful. Books.com which belongs to the Uni-President Enterprises has the advantage of vertical integration of logistics, money flow, and information flow. Moreover, it integrates domestic and overseas publishing house which makes it holds the economies of scale of supply chain. By utilizing the 24 business hours of convenient store, Books.com allows customers to order online before noon, and pick up the merchandise next day at the designated convenient store. This “Last mile” of logistic service is the key to success for Books.com. The progression of e-commerce is through continuous innovation and disruption. With the development of technology, the advancement of mobile communication technology, and the widely application of mobile devices and internet, the industry connects consumers from online to offline. E-commerce is developing toward consumer-centric and diversified application. Whether businesses can deal well with these trends and challenges is essentials for success.


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