  • 學位論文


DrawEZone: Brush Simulation in Painting Based on Easily Accessible Mobile Platforms

指導教授 : 歐陽明


以電腦進行繪圖時,通常要使用專用之繪圖板來取代滑鼠作為輔助器具,我們才能夠依照較為接近平時紙本繪圖之習慣於電腦上作畫。然而,這樣的方式雖然較滑鼠操作直覺,但仍需要經過訓練上手,在初次使用時依舊會有姿勢及習慣上的問題需要克服。隨著現今硬體的進步及行動裝置普及,許多使用者已從電腦轉移至行動裝置上作畫,此種方式在繪圖姿勢上雖較為接近我們使用紙本繪圖之習慣,但可用軟體的選擇及其擁有之功能卻相對較少,且大部分軟體於介面設計上仍偏向電腦使用之操作習慣。因此在本篇論文中,我們希望能夠改善電腦繪圖的硬體門檻及使用者操作體驗。 在本人提出之DrawEZone中,我們期望能夠透過手邊現有之行動裝置來達成繪圖板壓力感測及角度偵測之精準度,以解決繪圖板硬體成本過高的問題。選用行動裝置作為平台之理由其一是期望能保留行動裝置繪圖時能夠接近我們平時繪圖姿勢之優點,讓使用者更為容易上手;二為因其普遍性較高,大部分使用者並不需為了繪圖而再添購其他物件。也因為選用的是大眾較為習慣之平台,其環境架設及操作的門檻較低,較不會有難以上手之情形發生。系統在設計上也按照行動裝置操作習慣設計使用者介面,並融入紙本繪圖之習慣安排應有的繪圖功能,加入筆刷模擬使繪圖畫面更加真實,操作起來也更為順暢。 我們傾力於提供一個基於簡易行動裝置之筆刷模擬繪圖系統,整合使用者手邊可得之平板及手機,便能達到繪圖板感測輸入效果,並提供較合適之繪圖介面,使得創作時更為容易上手且接近真實。


In computer-aided painting with traditional methods, we usually use a graphics tablet instead of a mouse so that we can draw on the computer screen with a similarly way just as if we are drawing on a paper. However, we still have to practice in the beginning, though it is easier than using a mouse to draw. We still have some problems of postures or habits to overcome at the first time when we use a graphics tablet. With the improvement in hardware and the popularity of the mobile platform nowadays, many users turn to drawing on the pad instead of on the computer. The posture of drawing through this way is closer to the posture when we draw on the paper, but the software we can choose and the function it has is still less than those from the computer. The design of this software is also based on the user experience of the computer. In this thesis, we want to lower the entry barrier of hardware and improve the user experience of computer-aided painting. In the proposed DrawEZone, we expect that we can do a great pressure sensing and orientation detecting job just like what the graphics tablet does based on easily accessible mobile platform to lower the cost of the hardware device. The reason why we choose mobile platform as the base of our system is that we want to reserve the advantage of the posture of drawing, and most of the users don’t need to purchase other hardware since it is universal. There is no worry about environment setting and the operating barrier is lower because people are used to use the mobile platforms. We design a user interface by the user habit of mobile platform and implement the functions we usually use when we are drawing on papers. Therefore, users can use it naturally. Our system has the brush simulation so that the output can be more realistic. We provide a system of brush simulation in painting based on easily accessible mobile platforms. We combine the pads or the smart phones close to the users and get the result like graphics tablets. Our system also provides an appropriate interface for drawing and makes the computer-aided painting easier and more realistic.


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