  • 學位論文


Adoption of Mobile Payment: A Brand Extension Perspective

指導教授 : 許瑋元


由於行動裝置的日漸普及,在行動商務的蓬勃發展下,最核心的交易行為就 是行動支付,而 2015 年為台灣行動支付元年,從銀行業者、電商業者都積極的在 行動支付市場中佈局,然而在台灣目前消費者對於行動支付使用上還沒有非常廣 泛,各家業者皆推出各自的行動支付應用程式,因此探討影響消費者採用行動支 付的因素是一個重要的議題。 在過去的研究中探討行動支付的採用意圖大多從系統的特性研究,像是相容 性、安全性、易用性等等,但是很少有研究以品牌延伸的觀點探討使用者對於行 動支付的採用意圖,然而有許多研究中指出在市場中品牌位於領導地位,通常會 有較高的知名度與市場佔有率,其品牌旗下的延伸產品更容易可以獲得消費者的 認同,使用者對於經常接觸的品牌所推出來的產品會更有意願使用,所以本研究 以 LINE 品牌所發展出的行動支付 LINE Pay 為例,探討使用者對於行動支付的採用意圖。 本研究的研究方法以量化分析並利用問卷收集的方式分析研究模型,研究結 果發現母品牌的知覺品質與知覺契合度和知覺連結度會正向影響延伸產品行動支 付的知覺品質,並進一步影響行動支付的採用意圖,此研究提供在行動支付領域 中,透過品牌延伸的方式會影響使用者對於行動支付的採用意圖,提供給在產品 推廣上的行動支付業者一些建議。


Due to the rapid growth of mobile markets, mobile payment which is the core of mobile commerce has boomed in recent years. Banking industry and e-commerce companies have begun to plan their market strategy actively in 2015 in Taiwan. However, mobile payment is still in its infancy in Taiwan. Many mobile payment providers develop their own mobile payment applications. Therefore, investigating the factors influencing consumers’ adoption intention to use mobile payments is an important issue. Prior studies exploring the factors influencing users’ adoption intention of mobile payments focus mainly on the technological characteristics such as compatibility, mobility or security. Little research explores the consumers’ adoption intension of mobile payments from a brand extension perspective. Several studies indicate that the dominant brand often has the high awareness and the market share, which in turn reduces the initial marketing costs and reinforces the probability of acceptance of the new product. Consumers have strong intention to use the extensions. Therefore, this research attempts to exploit Line brand extension to the mobile payment application called Line Pay to investigate user’s adoption intention of the mobile payment. The research conducted an empirical investigation through survey. Our research findings reveal that perceived quality of parent brand, perceived fit and perceived tie are transferred to the quality of the mobile payment extension. Moreover, the quality of the mobile payment extension positively influences users’ adoption intension of the mobile payment. This study finds that, in the mobile commerce context, the brand extension may affect users’ adoption of the mobile payment and provides the mobile payment providers insights into the marketing promotion strategies.


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