  • 學位論文


Study on Mooring and Anchoring System for a Floating Kuroshio Turbine

指導教授 : 邱逢琛


隨著海洋能源開發技術的發展,擁有黑潮資源的臺灣也已著手於相關技術研發。洋流發電機組之開發重點便是如何安全的將開發機組安裝於工作位置上,而臺灣海域地形底質多變,相關地質及力學特性調查資料亦尚未周全,此項挑戰將成為技術開發的一項關鍵,因此,建立合適的模擬分析工具並做好預期實際狀況的因應準備乃有其研究上的必要性。 本研究基於前述動機,利用海洋油氣開發領域相當成熟的軟體程式OrcaFlex來進行數值建模,模擬浮游式黑潮渦輪發電機組(Floating Kuroshio Turbine;FKT)於額定流速1.5m/s下,FKT機組利用浮力引擎控制沉降與上浮等一系列佈放回收及下沉以避長浪之動態行為,最後並利用模擬結果分析設計可行之錨繫系統裝置,建立適合FKT使用之錨碇塊,並配合計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics;CFD)軟體ANSYS-FLUENT進行錨繫系統相關流體動力係數計算。


As the increasing demand for energy and the growing awareness of environmental sustainability, researchers are dedicated to developing innovative energy devices. Kuroshio Current is one of the potential marine energy that can be widely extended and applied in the future. However, the hydrographic features around Taiwan are unpredictable and the related geological surveys are also not well clear now. Hence, the investigation of how to set the ocean turbines on the operating location safely is the important key to promote technology development. To resolve the issue, it’s necessary to establish an appropriate simulation environment by the software to evaluate the operation procedures and the actual situation that may be encountered. This thesis is based on the motivation mentioned above. We use the OrcaFlex, a fairly mature software program on the field of marine oil and gas development, to do the numerical analysis about the Floating Kuroshio Turbine (FKT) under the rated flow 1.5m/s. By controlling the different income rate of seawater by buoyancy engines can make FKT to the target depth of location in order to work normally and reduce the impact of heavy swell. Last, we analyzed and designed available mooring and anchoring system according to the simulation results. Moreover, we use the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software ANSYS-FLUENT to calculate the hydrodynamic coefficients of the anchor system to complete the series of design.


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