  • 學位論文


The Growth Strategy of Taiwan Mobile Company - A Case Study of TWM

指導教授 : 陳忠仁
共同指導教授 : 許瑋元(Carol W. Hsu)


行動通信產業隨著政府開放自由民營化近20年的發展,用戶普及率已經達到市場飽和狀態。而國內的行動產業歷經多次整併後,形成以台灣大哥大、中華電信與遠傳電信為主要運營商的產業態勢。行動網路從2G、3G到最近推出的4G LTE系統,提供的服務已從基本的行動語音服務、簡訊服務轉朝以行動寬頻上網與網際網路相關的新創服務為主。隨著各類型行動加值服務開發讓使用者享有更為便利取得閱、視、聽資料,甚至已經跨界與金融、內容、網路電商模式形成整合的新服務模式,凡此種種皆引領行動通信服務發展可謂一日千里。然而整體的行動通信市場也由於新技術引進而產生產品替代情況與新型OTT服務的跨界產業競爭態勢,由於行動通信產業雖具有高資本密集、高技術門檻、高退出門檻等三高特性,但已經面臨到跨區域國際性的產業競爭挑戰,導致行動運營商已逐漸喪失寡占市場優勢。當行動通信廠商不能僅依靠單一市場經營而保有競爭能力,遂逐漸形成以電信集團模式並整合各項資源能力的競爭發展策略。而且各電信企業如何創造差異化與集中性發展等策略,讓公司能在侷限的國內市場持續成長發展,是值得重視的課題。本研究採用個案分析方式,透過五力分析模型找出其成功關鍵因素,再根據個案企業之資源與能力作出比較分析,並提出行動通信廠商成長策略之建議。總結本研究之結論如下: 1、建議企業採取善用並整合集團資源之競爭策略,提供顧客全方位的電信服務 2、通信產業可以從差異化及集中化策略方向,來擬定傳統語音獲利模式與創新加 值服務、導入OTT整合服務的企業競爭策略,開創行動通信運營商持續的競 爭優勢。 3、台灣大哥大可以致力於開發提供更具差異化與獨特性行動加值服務,並持續多 角化經營策略與運用國際行動聯盟優勢朝國際化發展,突破行動運營商的經營 困境。


The telecommunication industry in Taiwan is saturated and integrated since the last two decades' liberation. The main operators, i.e. CHT, TWM, and FET, now dominate the market structure after several M A activities. The mobile services are also evoluted from voice, SMS, to new value added services, which implemented with 2G, 3G and 4G LTE infrastructures. Moreover, the innovative services are integrated into several heterogeneous, e.g. finance, content entertainment, and e-commerence to develop new business models. However, the competitive advantages of main operators are erosioned by new technologies or new services, such as OTT. Owing to the capital intensive and high exit barriers, the main operators are seeking for competitive advantages and sustainable growth one after another. Thus, this study employed a case study approach to analyze these issues. The researcher surveyed related literatures and first hand and secondary practical data, then analyzed the data by five forces model. Then, the industrial key success factors sre used to analyze competitive advantage in terms of resources and capabilities for TWM. Then, the results and suggestions are listed as follows: 1. The TWM should intergrate internal resources to provide comprehensive telecom services; 2. TWM should apply both low cost and differentiation strategies to whole range of voice, SMS, new value added services (i.e. OTT), to pursue its competitive advantage. 3. The sustainable growth could rely on product diversification and internation mobile alliances.


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